Podcast 83

Cold enough for ya? Wind Chill is not the real temperature, people! It’s cold, but it’s not the end of the world. Join Bob Davis for a little snow shoveling, a walk outside in the winter wonderland, coffee, and a fireside chat on what is being touted as ‘The Coldest Night Of 2013’. After a visit from an overwrought Santa, Bob talks about why Saint Paul can’t clear its streets of snow and ice, whether or not sand is better than salt, and the teachable moment of the inability of municipalities and states to clear a little snow and ice! This is the North people! And well talk about republican moderates and the upcoming budget battle in Washington. Finally, a prediction for the democrat talking points in the 2014 election cycle. Welcoming a new sponsor to the Bob Davis Podcasts: www.taxtiger.com.

Podcast 67

You’ve been asking for more podcasts. So, I’m experimenting with cranking out more podcasts, more often. Time for a walk, and a ‘slash and burn’ podcast. I’m getting tired of sitting in the studio at the broadcast bunker. What’s it like when I walk around and do some ‘stream of consciousness’ podcasting? What comes up? A few corrections and additions to the government shut down debate, which is morphing into the debate on the debt limit! The end of the world, or the beginning of getting the budget and US debt under control? You decide. Sponsored by Ryan Plumbing and Heating in Saint Paul.