Always-Something-Bob Davis Podcast 1057

Always Something

Due to the realities of Nomad Life It’s always something. A phrase we often use but don’t like very much. Learn more in Always-Something-Bob Davis Podcast 1057.

On The Move

Firstly I am on the move again.

Hidden Problems

Secondly being on the move often means problems develop that have hidden themselves when you’re just hanging out.

Control Emotions

Above all I’ve learned to get control of my emotions when I do have a problem.


That is to say stop, look up and ask yourself what the opportunity is rather than give way to your worst fears.

And so it was this week.

Off Course

First of all I was off course.

Use Maps Not Google

To clarify there is no substitute for a good actual map.

Certainly Google or Apple Maps have their uses.

Global View

But having a real map gives you a global view of where you’re headed.


Therefore that’s how I ended up in near Lake Havasu when I was headed to Scottsdale.

More Fun

However the fun does not stop there.

I Love The Smell of Diesel In The Morning

In short that’s when I noticed the smell of fuel.

Check out Always-Something-Bob Davis Podcast 1057 to find out more.


Therefore driving down a mountain nearly 25 miles with some kind of fluid pouring out of Mobile Podcast Command was quite an experience.


After praying to get to Parker Arizona and find a good mechanic I ended up at MNR Racing.

Oddly enough a church was right down the block.

The Saga Is Not Over

Finally the sags is not over at the recording of this podcast.

These guys are closed til the 10th of June.

However they have decided to check out the truck and find out what the problem is.

Remain Calm and Carry On

Finally I remained calm.

Did not allow a relatively minor problem ruin my day, or life.

Where’s That Bowl Of Cherries?

To sum up these days life on the road can be a challenge.

In addition life back in the world isn’t exactly a bowl of cherries either.


In short life is full of surprises.

It’s always something!

(I may have referred to MNR Racing as MSM racing in this podcast. I don’t know why I do that! In any case the proper links to MNR’s FB site are linked and I can’t say enough good things about them. Thanks Again!)

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Always-Something-Bob Davis Podcast 1057