With-A-Grain-Of-Salt-Bob Davis Podcast 1073

Take It With A Grain Of Salt

Above all take it with a grain of salt. Lots of loose talk on almost every subject these days so let’s address it in With-A-Grain-Of-Salt-Bob Davis Podcast 1073.

Don’t Do This Very Often

Firstly I don’t often delve these deep into current events. Here’s why.

Can’t Ignore

On the other hand sometimes you can’t ignore whats going  on.

Nomads Feel It Too

Even more we nomads feel it too.

Loose Talk About Dangerous Things

Secondly the elephant in the room these days is loose talk about complex and dangerous subjects.

Grain Of Salt

Therefore I have decided to talk about it in With-A-Grain-Of-Salt-Bob Davis Podcast 1073.

But With A Lighter Touch

However my discussion of some subjects that could trigger some is with a lighter and more gauzy approach.

Not Going To Ruin The Vibe

Certainly I am not going to ruin the vibe with a lot of details and ‘positions’.

There’s too much of that.


In the same vein I would imagine the number one source of information in Nomad Land is YouTube.

Not A Lot Of Fact Checking

As a result there’s not a lot of fact checking going on.

Doom Mongers Require Discussion

So when they start telling us about the chances of a nuclear war or a financial meltdown that requires clarification and a little but of discussion.

Difficult Time

Most importantly I don’t think anyone would argue we’re living through one of the most difficult times in the recent past.

Historically Difficult Time

Furthermore it may prove eventually to be one of the most difficult times for everyday people in history.

And yet life goes on.

Take It Lightly

To sum up With-A-Grain-Of-Salt-Bob Davis Podcast 1073 reminds us all to take what people say on social media and in media in general with a grain of salt.

Better Advice

Finally if things become more serious it’s even better advice.

Issues and Nomad Travel Don’t Always Go Together

In short I don’t often talk about issues like these in my nomad travel podcasts.

The Elephant In The Room

But every now and then you can’t ignore the so called elephant in the room.

And this is a pretty big elephant.

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With-A-Grain-Of-Salt-Bob Davis Podcast 1073