Podcast 85

The Senate is about to pass the budget ‘amendment’ bill and conservatives are very upset about it. What does the Tea Party and Libertarians have to do to stop cave ins by moderate Republicans to spending more? Are you ready with the arguments when Obama and the Democrats pivot to ‘Inequality’? What sources are they relying on for the economic data they use to make their arguments. Plus my favorite stories of the week so far including Ed Schultz, Government Waste, and a Mosquito borne illness in the Caribbean. Sponsored by Xgovernmentcars.com!

Podcast 68

The default has been avoided and the shutdown of 13 percent of the Federal Government will soon be over. Federal workers will even get back pay. Whether you think the Republicans capitulated and have nothing to show, or made a principled stand, the one institution everyone is piling on right now is the media. Specifically, it’s pile on “right wing” media time. What’s driving the political divide in America? Right Wing Media? All Media? Sponsored by www.Xgovernmentcars.com, now having its ‘yellow tag’ sale.

Podcast 67

You’ve been asking for more podcasts. So, I’m experimenting with cranking out more podcasts, more often. Time for a walk, and a ‘slash and burn’ podcast. I’m getting tired of sitting in the studio at the broadcast bunker. What’s it like when I walk around and do some ‘stream of consciousness’ podcasting? What comes up? A few corrections and additions to the government shut down debate, which is morphing into the debate on the debt limit! The end of the world, or the beginning of getting the budget and US debt under control? You decide. Sponsored by Ryan Plumbing and Heating in Saint Paul.