Celebrating-Two-Years-Nomad-Travel-Bob Davis Podcast 1077

Celebrating Two Years A Nomad

Firstly very happy to be celebrating two years of nomad travel. Of course year two is very different from year one. Learn more in Celebrating-Two-Years-Nomad-Travel-Bob Davis Podcast 1077.

Review and Travelogue

Secondly reviewing the year takes the form of a travelogue.

Thanks and Appreciation

And there are many people to thank along the way.

Fuel Prices

Certainly fuel prices dictated a change in how this nomad travels.

Most importantly I like to drive.

That is to say I am one of these people who can cover a lot of ground.


But at the beginning of this second year of nomad travel those fuel prices grounded me in Quartzsite, Arizona.

More To Nomad Life Than Driving

As a result I realized this is life is like peeling an onion.

New Layers

Therefore getting down to the new layers this year meant friendships and more.

Remembering Details

In addition I had to review images and podcasts from the year to remember details!

Like A Dream

In other words much of this life is so much like a dream sometimes that’s how you remember it.

Utah and Colorado

For example reviewing images on my phone made me realize I did do some travel this summer.

And got to know Utah and Colorado pretty well.


Above all this has been a year of developing friendships and realizing the benefits of the nomad community.


As well as quite a few adventures.

Stories In This Podcast

Certainly I’ll tell a few stories from the experience in this podcast.

A Nomad’s Childhood Roots

However I go back to my childhood for some snapshots that explain the drive to hit the road later in life.

Healthier Life

More importantly I have outlined the reasons I think this lifestyle is actually healthier than life back in the world in previous podcasts.

Community and Bonds

Even more it’s the community and bonds with people I have met that made the most of the year.

Nature Of Our Time

Finally I don’t think any of us know where we’ll be in a year.

Indeed that seems to be the nature of the time we’re living through.


On the other hand we do have choices.

The Road Is The Prescription

Hitting the highway for adventure and growth certainly was the prescription for me.

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Celebrating-Two-Years-Nomad-Travel-Bob Davis Podcast 1077

Colorado-Abundance-Bob Davis Podcast 1060

Colorado Abundance

Firstly talking about Colorado and Abundance these days is a little strange. Learn more in Colorado-Abundance-Bob Davis Podcast 1060.


Secondly given all the problems we’re dealing with maybe I should do a podcast about scarcity.

But I don’t feel that way.

What Is Important

Above all in these difficult times we all have to assess what is actually important.

Not About Material Possessions

And I don’t think of abundance as being related to material goods.

A Lot Of Something

Certainly the word abundance means a lot of something. Anything.

Keep It Simple

Most importantly I have come to believe that if you appreciate what you have and keep things simple you will feel abundance.

Even Austere

That is to say a sense of comfort and having a lot of what you need.

Pressure Cookers

Of course living in a pressure cooker because you have to pay bills doesn’t contribute to a sense of safety or abundance.

Less Is Indeed More

On the other than it is a surprise to have learned through the nomad experience the less I have the more abundant I feel.


For example we have all dealt with the loss of loved ones in the last couple of years.

Left Behind

Even more we often find ourselves overwhelmed by how much is left behind.

Is This Important?

Therefore one wonders whether any of this stuff is important?

Keep It Simple

Meanwhile many people are downsizing and simplifying.

Pop Culture Goes Dark

In the same vein “abundance” used to be a big word in pop culture.

You don’t see it as much these days.


In addition if abundance is defined as being rich many of us are going to feel like we have fallen behind.

Not At The Gas Pump

Moreover one needs only one trip to the gas station to feel poor.

What I Need

Meanwhile as I camp and roll through Colorado and the rest of the Southwestern US I find myself getting what I need, when I need it.

Million Dollar View

Furthermore many million dollar views and experiences in the forests and campgrounds often for free.

Too Beautiful For Words

Finally some of these experiences are too beautiful for words.


In conclusion real freedom is being able to choose the experiences we have.


In short we don’t have to live in a prison we created.


There are lots of ways to escape.

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Colorado-Abundance-Bob Davis Podcast 1060