Podcast 200

Back Into The News. The News Cleanse is officially over, but there will be some changes on the podcasts due to lessons learned from it. What happened during the News Cleanse week? US Journalist James Foley got his head chopped off by Islamic militants (or, criminals, or thugs if you prefer). And, we’re surprised by this? And – gasp – that convoy of Russian military trucks painted white got into eastern Ukraine despite the red cross refusing to escort the convoy. Oh yeah, and the President played golf. After the guy got his head chopped off. At ease people. Go back to doing whatever you were doing. Nothing to see here folks. Meanwhile, the media keeps putting out noise. Fortunately Bob Davis is on it, to bring some clarity to these events, such as they are, and such as clarity is. An earthquake in Napa, California. The price of corn is down, which is bad for farmers, but good for steak eaters in the coming months. Fox Television is copying something from Bob Davis’ old radio show on KSTP. Bobovia will become a reality show called Utopia. You’re welcome, Fox. The Minneapolis Tribune is now taking its stories from the Bob Davis Podcasts, doing a big spread this weekend about gentrification in Uptown (where did they get that idea). You’re welcome, as well. And, oh yeah, the President played golf. And, a few more final observations about the cleanse. Sponsored by Baklund R & D.

Randal O’Toole – Podcast 189

Randal O’Toole talks about Light Rail, Street Cars, the Driverless Car, state and city planning, subsidies and the Highway Trust Fund, with The Bob Davis Podcasts. Cities all over the United States are spending billions, sometimes tens of billions to research, and billions more to build, light rail, streetcar and so called ‘high speed’ rail lines. Projects designed to serve centrally planned cities with subsidized high density housing. Millennials are interested in these cities, for now, but what happens when they start raising families? How did the Met Council come into existence? Do people really want this kind of life? Central Planners think so, but what if the future does not cooperate? What if the future is a dystopia with increasingly expensive transit systems, serving no one. In the second half of the Bob Davis Podcasts conversation with the CATO Institute’s Randal O’Toole we talk about driverless cars, the history of streetcars and the efficiency of today’s streetcar lines, and their costs. Why do a few elites make the working class pay for transit systems they use, expensive apartments they live in, in cities they design. They may not think they’re one per centers, but today’s Republican and Democrat liberals are creating what they think are utopian cities, but they’re not for the rest of the 99 percent. Hailing from Portland, O’Toole knows the folly of light rail and streetcar transit plans inside and out. If you want to learn how to argue against these plans at your city council and neighborhood meetings, listen to Randal O’Toole and learn how. Sponsored by X Government Cars!