Podcast 295

Nighttime Winter Walk. Warm days in the upper midwest mean warm nights. A good night to get out for a walk and talk. As the week progresses, the news will get heavier as coverage of the State of The Union message gets rolling, along with Davos, and financial concerns starting to take center stage. So, this is a great opportunity to take a walk and talk about some of the less controversial stories. Did you know that January 19th is officially the saddest day of the year? Why? What does a person do to combat this oppressive depression? In the UK, a five year old child was not able to attend a friend’s birthday party. No, the parents did not RSVP but they were surprised to find a professional bill for ‘services rendered’, due to the fact that they did not RSVP and their child did not attend, when he was scheduled to. Now the parents are being sued. In Wisconsin, legislators are ready to reintroduce the 70 mph speed limit, which is a good thing because no one drives 65, anywhere in the state, and least of all in 94, or 90-94, or any of the state highways. What Wisconsin needs though, is a law that requires residents of the badger state to get the hell out of the left lane if they want to go slow. A friend’s dinner suggestion of a ‘satellite internet’ was greeted by The Bob Davis Podcasts with skepticism. Lo and Behold, Mr Elon Musk plans to introduce a ‘space internet’, and eventually carry the signal all the way to Mars. If it works better than the Podcast’s current ISP, and can feature better customer service, it’s a lock. The number one movie in the country right now is ‘American Sniper’, the story of the late Chris Kyle. Michael Moore called him a coward on twitter, and a firestorm has ensued. Research shows quite a lot of controversy about characterizations of snipers in general. Moore got hammered in social media, while Actress Jane Fonda was hammered in Frederick Maryland, by Vietnam Vets who will never forget the picture of Fonda posing for the cameras on a North Vietnamese Anti Aircraft gun, during her trip to the enemy’s country during the Vietnam War. Fonda now says the photo was a huge mistake she has had to live with her whole life, but she still says the trip to Communist North Vietnam was ‘incredible’. Finally, some words about a recent podcast about the Tea Party, and a heads up on some speaking engagements for Bob Davis in the near future. Sponsored by Mycompletebasement.com

Podcast 272

Christmas Insanity. Stories we are missing because of all the reporting on Congress, Oil, Australia and … Christmas. Suddenly we have to be told how to ‘deal’ with the Christmas Holiday, by practicing ‘abundance without attachment’. In english, that means we should not criticize commercialism, or judge materialism, but be unattached to money and just enjoy ‘the experience’. (Editor’s Note: I am well acquainted with the concept of practicing non attachment, but I don’t think it has anything to do with the rash of lazy journalism regarding spending money during the ‘holiday season’.) The biggest problem is expectations, being generating because of all the emotional stimuli in commercials and these incessantly cheerful all christmas all the time radio stations. Maybe the bad reporting comes from the fact that this is the worst time of the year to be doing issues or news based media, since people are checking out. Nothing is wrong with materialism, even the love of money. What’s wrong is the media’s obsession with predicting economic performance based on individual sales days like black Friday and Cyber Monday. The whole season becomes an economic bellwether? The truth is, its only since about the 1930’s in the US that Christmas per se, has become this macro holiday, with all its attendant markers for the wider economy. The best Christmas gift so far? The Sony Hackers. Revealing how Hollywood is actually the rapacious capitalist, rather than Wall Street. Anyone want to see if millionaire Senator Elizabeth Warren will take on greedy Hollywood execs? Why is it always Wall Street Banks, or dirty industrial companies. Eew. Do we still value people who actually make things? Or do we care more about the perfumed princes and princesses of Hollywood and the whales, global warming, public-private partnerships to preserve water and other nonsense. MSNBC’s days may be numbered. A new digital service called MSNBC Shift will be testing programming for the ailing progressive mouthpiece no one is listening to. Don’t rule out a completely new approach’ sports or entertainment. While Fox enjoys huge audience numbers, they sit astride a delivery channel (cable television) that may actually have an expiration date. Remember when Global Warming enthusiasts said warming causes tornadoes? The US had fewer tornadoes in the last three years, since they started measuring these things back in the 1950’s. And finally, the dumbest story of the week; “Scientists” say the warmer it is, the less you make. 54 degrees is the optimal temperature for productivity. Sigh. Sponsored by Baklund R & D

Podcast 257

Weekend Update. Extreme weather in Buffalo, New York drops at least 6 feet of snow; more in one day than they get all year, and that’s extreme, even for a place like Buffalo. This weekend the Bills have to play in Detroit due to the snow. Speaking of Football Stadiums. Minnesota has one of the worst professional sports stadium deals in the country. That is, Minnesota taxpayers will pay a larger share of the new Vikings Stadium than taxpayers in other states pay for theirs. Imagine Vikings fans surprise when they learned from The Minneapolis Tribune, the Vikings will pay a larger share for ‘their’ stadium. How much? A little more than half a million dollars. Yeah. Kudos to the Star-Tribune for providing the people of Minneapolis-Saint Paul and the state of Minnesota with a free ad for the Minnesota Vikings. We’d like to see them pay a lot more, like about 600 MILLION more, but that will never happen thanks to so called fiscally responsible republicans in the state legislature who did the stadium deal back in the day. Minnesota Senator Al Franken is all up in Uber’s grill because of comments made by an executive of the company ‘threatening’ a ‘journalist’ — and revealing the company keeps electronic records of all their clients’ travels. The Senator wrote an angry letter to the company demanding to know whether it is keeping data, confidential. Isn’t it nice, with all the other issues; immigration, Keystone, and War, the Senator found time to stand up for a journalist. By the way, that little ‘I Agree’ button is something he might want to take a look at. And speaking of parasitic capitalists: When Tesla’s Elon Musk isn’t profiting from energy subsidies or selling carbon credits to his direct competitors, he’s braying about artificial intelligence and how it will destroy humanity. Always good for positive media coverage from reporters who don’t know what AI is anyway. But the Japanese are forging ahead with FEMBOTS! Soon they will be receptionists, TV presenters, even companions! And Japan doesn’t care if they take over, since everyone is too old to work there. Then there is Bill Cosby. While the media acts as judge, and jury it is important to remember Cosby has never been charged, or convicted of anything. Is it ok that the media gets to decide whether someone is a rapist, murderer or thief? What about spy? Just sayin’. Finally some thoughts about work. More people these days are leaving corporate america to start their own small businesses. Never before have the tools been better for amplifying the individual.  With as much as 13 percent of the work force is checking out of the cubicle, into their own businesses who can blame them? Working for most of today’s corporations is nothing but drudgery and people are getting sick of it. What will the future company look like, and how will people work for them? Sponsored by Depotstar