Podcast 129

Midnight rant on the deck! Just finished my reading for the day. Podcast 129 contains my raw reactions to some key stories in the news. Guess what? Harry Reid’s Bureau of Land Management is at it again, this time in Texas. This time, though, there’s a state Attorney General who isn’t going to put up with it. While the President puts the Keystone Xl pipeline approval in his pocket, his rich friends Warren Buffet (owner of rail roads) and Tom (Koch Brothers) Steyer have the president in theirs. Meanwhile, see those aging tanker cars rolling by the rail crossing at 45 miles an hour? They’re falling apart. That means the chances of an environmental disaster are much greater WITHOUT the Keystone Pipeline than WITH it. But who cares about reason when there’s millions of dollars in political contributions at stake from the ‘super rich’ democrat donors. Inequality? Yeah. Sure. Another junk Gallup poll … State surpluses mean rebates right? Not when there’s a stadium to be built! Another loving moment from the last Republican Presidential Candidate, Pretend Conservative Oligarch Jeb Bush, cherry picking economic data to prove your social theory, and more. Sponsored by XGovernment Cars

Podcast 128

Top Stories! Get updated on the week’s top stories. We’re getting back on the horse after Easter weekend. My take on the Bundy Ranch Standoff? More than a tax issue, this is a political corruption issue. Continuing to watch Eastern Ukraine for signs of trouble, as the ‘Geneva Accord’ looks more and more like Munich! Or, maybe August 1914. Maybe it’s just eclipse energy! Democrats have been told to stop saying ‘recovery’ … Why? There goes Pope Francis again, popping off about ‘Free Markets’ and all the damage they cause. Plus, updates on where I’ll be speaking next in the Minneapolis-Saint Paul Metro. Sponsored by Plan Vision. Simple, Smart and Focused

Podcast 127

Stories. Spring Rains. A warm rain on Saturday night triggers my memories as I podcast live from the deck, for the first time in 2014. It’s about time. Some of the stories that have been floating around from last week and this weekend, and some story lines to look for in the coming week. Whether you are flying back from Easter with the family, on your walk, or the commute, if you live in the upper midwest, it’s nice to hear and to feel the warm rain of Spring! The Light Rail may derail MPR Bob, who is concerned the ‘vibrations’ may scuttle his ‘audio’. Restaurants in Minneapolis are so loud, how long do you think it will be before they pass an ordinance requiring establishments to have earplugs available for patrons. (Minneapolis has already done this with music venues). Plus, biometric gun bracelets by executive order, food inflation, job ‘scarcity’, the end of the world and more! Sponsored by In Home Care Advisors