Podcast 131

A live podcast from the West Metro Tea Party meeting. Inequality will be the cornerstone of the Democratic strategy to hold the line – or pick up seats – in the US Senate. Their success means making you think there is a problem named inequality, and that government can solve it. What are the conclusions of scholars claiming inequality is a ‘terrifying’ problem for the future? Is the United States an Oligarchy? How does a person get rich and stay rich? Finally, if you want to have an impact, you’re going to have to stop talking about it, and start working on building organizations to win elections. Sponsored by Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul.  

Podcast 130

A live call in Podcast via Skype. Getting listeners to The Bob Davis Podcasts to call in and share their views on the issues they care about. Carl calls in about gangs and crime in Chicago, Kathy talks about issues with the ACA and republican ‘messaging’ plus two fun calls from Texas, on the BLM land grab going on down there, Governor Rick Perry’s chances for a presidential run in 2016, and the current Texas Attorney General’s potential to be Governor. Getting in the habit of featuring these call in podcasts every now and then with notification on Twitter and Facebook prior, so that when a major story breaks, listeners will remember and know they’ll have an opportunity to share their views on the Bob Davis Podcasts. Sponsored by Baklund R&D


Podcast 129

Midnight rant on the deck! Just finished my reading for the day. Podcast 129 contains my raw reactions to some key stories in the news. Guess what? Harry Reid’s Bureau of Land Management is at it again, this time in Texas. This time, though, there’s a state Attorney General who isn’t going to put up with it. While the President puts the Keystone Xl pipeline approval in his pocket, his rich friends Warren Buffet (owner of rail roads) and Tom (Koch Brothers) Steyer have the president in theirs. Meanwhile, see those aging tanker cars rolling by the rail crossing at 45 miles an hour? They’re falling apart. That means the chances of an environmental disaster are much greater WITHOUT the Keystone Pipeline than WITH it. But who cares about reason when there’s millions of dollars in political contributions at stake from the ‘super rich’ democrat donors. Inequality? Yeah. Sure. Another junk Gallup poll … State surpluses mean rebates right? Not when there’s a stadium to be built! Another loving moment from the last Republican Presidential Candidate, Pretend Conservative Oligarch Jeb Bush, cherry picking economic data to prove your social theory, and more. Sponsored by XGovernment Cars