Podcast 137

Is Global Warming more important than Jobs and the Economy, or the crisis in Ukraine? The White House sure wants you to think so! A midweek update focuses on the issues that are most important; Jobs and the Economy, Business Formation, and the potential for the United States to be drawn into a serious conflict in Eastern Europe; A conflict nobody wants, certainly not the President. Is Obama a wash out? What about the President’s use of executive power to bend the law to his wishes, despite what congress passed? A new suggestion may have weight as long as the 2014 election comes out positive for Republicans. In future podcasts I’ll address the question of whether the Republicans are up to the job. A special feature in this podcast…A renown landscape architect gives us tips for getting our lawns, shrubs and flower beds ready for the growing season. Sponsored by Edelweissdesign.com

Podcast 136

Do you dream about the end of world? Have you ever? Are you optimistic about the future of the world, or filling the bomb shelter with canned food, buying 80 pounds of rice and preparing for the end times? A late night ‘bonsai’ fire, for a podcast planned to update the week’s news story lines, goes ‘off the rails’, but in a good way. And, you still get updated. How the media played two different economic news stories last week (one good news, sorta, and one bad news, for real), Thomas Friedman wastes a thousand words in the New York Times to tell us it’s not Obama’s fault, again. Russian TU-160’s over Crimea while Ukrainians say it’s war. Plus, when laying in wait to kill someone isn’t 1st degree murder but ‘Stand Your Ground’. Really? And Detroit’s Civilian Militia. Sponsored by Plan Vision

Podcast 135

The US delivers a dismal .1 percent GDP growth in the 1st quarter of 2014. And, the Financial Times of London reports that China’s economy will overtake the US as the world’s largest … this year! Say what? Learn what you need to know about this story before you react. Why having a conversation about what we need to do to achieve higher growth in our country beats looking back at the guy trying to beat us. What happens if China does overtake America and takes the gold medal for the world’s largest economy? Send Lawyers Guns and Money … Dad, Get me out of this! Sponsored by Baklund R & D