Landslide-Trump-Zombie-Dreams-Bob Davis Podcast 848

Unicorns and Rainbows For Trump Zombies

They call them ‘Trump Zombies‘. These days, to them, whatever he does is golden. The president’s fanboys are now claiming he will easily win the 2020 election by a landslide. What are the chances? In Landslide-Trump-Zombie-Dreams-Bob Davis Podcast 848.

Pundits Already See 2020’s Outcome

It’s more than a year from the 2020 election. The commentators and pundits are already telling us what will happen. Moreover their predictions are nothing more than wishful thinking.

Landslide. Really?

I’ll start with actual vote totals rather than early polls. Moreover I’ll talk about what a ‘landslide victory‘ is. Finally, what even an electoral landslide victory for the president would be built on.

Pundits On Rich Guy’s Dole

Certainly these pundits and commentators are on a rich political operator’s payroll. They’re voices are not their own.

I Know You’re Lying Cause Your Lips Are Moving

It’s most noteworthy that the things the people on TV and Talk Radio say often end up in the discourse. Especially when they’re telling you what you want to hear, which is when their lips are moving. Especially relevant is, people don’t know how to fact check the steady flow of nonsense that passes for ‘news’ in America. Even the fact checkers.

Independent Voices

As a result it is left to independent voices like me to go through the so called ‘battleground states‘ and examine vote totals from 2016, and review vote totals and turn out for 2018 to get closer to an answer to the question, could Trump achieve a landslide victory in 2020? That’s what I do in Landslide-Trump-Zombie-Dreams-Bob Davis Podcast 848.

It’s Votes Not Passion

In conclusion it depends on votes. Not passion. Not polls. Pundits don’t decide who wins. It’s easy to call a winner when the president is one of the known factors and the other team hasn’t picked a standard bearer.

Trump Zombies In Barcaloungers

Trump’s Zombie Army ought to plan on a lot of door knocking and hard political work if they want to win by a landslide.

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Landslide-Trump-Zombie-Dreams-Bob Davis Podcast 848



Podcast 447

Ted Cruz In Saint Paul. This podcast takes you inside a political event in Saint Paul on a cold winter night. From heading out in Mobile Podcast Command Unit 8, to making coffee in Mobile Podcast Command, parked with the media trucks, to trying to sneak into restricted meetings, interviews with Cruz Minnesota Organizer Mandy Benz, State Representative Cindy Pugh, an unidentified (by her choice) Cruz advance planner, to 2nd District Congressional Candidate and old friend Jason Lewis, put headphones on and follow me. The brand new media story line is that Texas Senator and candidate for the Republican presidential nomination Ted Cruz is running second to Donald Trump and therefore ‘could be the guy’. Two months ago the Senator sent his father, this time he came in person, with reporters clustered around the door he was supposed to walk through, while technicians set up cameras on a riser in the back of the small Harriet Island indoor pavilion. As people filled the room, a giant screen showed campaign videos complete with all your favorite national talk show hosts talking about how great Ted Cruz will be when he becomes president. An introduction from a local preacher, more videos, and finally the main event…Senator Cruz throwing ‘red meat’.  Boy, can he sling it! From rescinding Obama’s executive orders, to ‘utterly destroying ISIS’, this crowd loved it. Cruz’ strategy is to organize and concentrate on winning the Iowa caucuses, and use that momentum to win in enough key Super Tuesday states in the mid south, out west and along the eastern seaboard to gain the momentum to win the nomination, and the presidency. Can he do it? Or is he the new flavor of the month. We’ll know when people start to vote in roughly a month. Sponsored by X Government Trucks and Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul

Podcast 404 – Jason Lewis Part 2

Jason Lewis Part 2. (Editor’s Note: Jason and I did this podcast in August, 2015 long before he announced his candidacy for Congress in Minnesota’s 2nd District. Lately my entries describing what is in this podcast have generated controversy for Jason Lewis, because people apparently think these notes are a ‘transcript’ of the podcast. They are not. These notes constitute a blog entry, which explain what is in the podcast. If you want to hear what was said, you’ll have to listen to the podcast. In any case, it is fair to clarify that Jason Lewis said he accepted President Obama’s Iran deal with caveats. Before you criticize, and condemn, it’s only fair that you hear the man out. February 11th, 2016 from Sumter, South Carolina, on the campaign trail.) The second half of Jason Lewis and Bob Davis on the Bob Davis Podcast. This podcast starts with an extensive discussion of President Obama’s Iran Deal, which Jason supports. This leads into a wider conversation about the US Defense and Diplomatic structure with the rest of the countries in the world, and further discussion of Jason’s larger point that the US can’t have big government abroad and small (or limited) government at home. Once we dispatch the Iran and foreign policy questions, the talk turns to politics in the United States, and the media’s role in it. Is the influence of talk show hosts like Sean Hannity and Glenn Beck on American politics and its conduct of foreign policy. Other points to ponder include Woodrow Wilson and World War I, conspiracy theories about how the British provoked Wilson and his advisors into World War I, and the knock on problems which later contributed to the causes of World War II, in Jason’s opinion. Considering these foreign policy problems, what’s the political diagnoses by Jason, (who also claims to be a pariah in Republican circles here in Minnesota because of his ‘pacifist’ stance on foreign policy issues). Does the country need a personality who can pull people together, or can people generate a political movement on their own? In Jason’s opinion, Republicans continue to try to appeal to the small base that listens to talk radio, expecting bigger results. He also talks about his ‘semi retirement’, ‘going Galt’, and Minnesota’s economic situation, Governor Dayton, former Governor Jessie Ventura and the Minnesota legislature. We close with a short talk about our talk radio days and the future of media, in particular digital media versus broadcast media, and on demand audio like The Bob Davis Podcasts, and The Jason Lewis Show podcasts available here. Don’t forget Jason’s New Audio Book Power Divided is Power Checked available here. This is the kind of content sorely missing from talk radio these days. (Editor’s Note: It’s a great pleasure to work again — even on a podcast — with someone who knows how to deliver great talk content, and is smart, prepared, and witty!). Sponsored by X Government Cars