Gun Control Fight Hides Important News-Internet-Spending-Taxes-Principles-Podcast 702

Controversy in the wake of another mass shooting event distracts everyone from what is really important. Three key stories you missed, show how our government is ruining our future. In Gun Control Fight Hides Important News-Internet-Spending-Taxes-Principles-Podcast 702.

Trump Supports a 25 Cent Gas Tax That Sucks Up Your Tax Cut

First of all while small business owners optimistically predict a booming economy a republican president has told democrat lawmakers he would support a twenty five cent increase in the federal gas tax on gasoline and diesel. There goes your tax cut!

Conservatives Spend More Than Obama

Especially relevant for fiscal conservatives is a four trillion dollar budget from the president. Moreover congress increased spending by hundreds of billions of dollars in the most recent continuing resolution. There are conservatives? In Gun Control Fight Hides Important News-Internet-Spending-Taxes-Principles-Podcast 702.

Solution To Fools Getting Their News From FaceBook? More Regulation

What’s more in the wake of indictments for a score of Russians and a few Americans for allegedly manipulating ‘The Internet’ to influence the recent US Presidential election, both sides of the political divide want ‘regulations’. So much for free speech!

I Guess Spending And Debt Is The Republican Way

More importantly do not take these financial mistakes lightly. US government debt is nearly 20 trillion dollars. Americans themselves carry something like 13 trillion dollars in debt. Storm clouds are building in the bond markets. We’ll talk about it in Gun Control Fight Hides Important News-Internet-Spending-Taxes-Principles-Podcast 702.

You Can’t Make America Great Carrying Trillions Of Debt

Americans cannot be self reliant and strong if they don’t figure out how to assemble the facts about what is known on any particular news story. We cannot make america great again if elected leaders can’t stop spending more and borrowing more.

Freedom Is In Our Genes And Other Myths

In conclusion the idea that ‘freedom’ and ‘democracy’ are in our genes is nonsense. We aren’t free if all of us ask the government to spend more, regulate more and ‘do something’ about every little problem. For me, the lack of principle of both political parties is shocking and dangerous. Unfortunately for so called ‘conservatives’ this lack of principle is most visible among republicans.

Find out what needs to be done and how to do it in Gun Control Fight Hides Important News-Internet-Spending-Taxes-Principles-Podcast 702.

Sponsored by Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul

Gun Control Fight Hides Important News-Internet-Spending-Taxes-Principles-Podcast 702

Podcast 474

Gonzo Talk. No prep. No notes. No editing. These are the rules of Gonzo Talk. I’ve done it before, under different names. I kind of like ‘Gonzo Talk’. This is the way I used to do podcasts, but after nearly 500 podcasts you evolve. It seems weird now, to do Gonzo Talk since I have become comfortable with a little more planning, or what I like to call a controlled burn. I know what I want to say, and rather than pussy foot around, I am able to get right to it because I have put some thought into it beforehand. Not so with Gonzo Talk. You start talking and you keep talking until the podcast is over. What comes up, is what comes up. What is said, is what is said. No editing. We start talking about different coffee makers, progressing to Minnesota’s establishment ‘republican’ effort to get rid of the state’s caucus system, and in view of Iowa’s Pride over their caucus system it seems a little statist. What a surprise. Progressing through the primary and caucus wins this weekend for Ted Cruz and Donald Trump. Isn’t it funny how the two candidates winning are most decidedly not establishment candidates. The only candidate that has more potential than Trump to freak the fuddy duddies out in the republican establishment, is Senator Ted Cruz. Just this last week Mister Loser himself suggested breaking the rules he backed to defend himself against Ron Paul at the RNC in 2012. Now Romney is pulling the aw shucks I don’t know nuthin, mister routine. After creating a process that has resulted in unmitigated disaster for establishment republicans, now they want to flush the whole primary process and contest the convention, thus nominating old Milque Toast himself, Mitt Romney. What about sealing off Washington, and forming a new government in Council Bluffs, Iowa? We don’t tell Washington they’re not in charge anymore. We just let them think they’re running things! Wait! Isn’t that kind of the way it is? Or maybe the way it will be? The people are speaking and they are not speaking establishment, on either side of the supposed political spectrum. Of course the tone deaf establishment, democrat and republican, isn’t listening. Why should we listen to them? Hey! I kind of like Gonzo Talk! Sponsored by Brush Studio and Pride of Homes and Luke Team Real Estate.

Podcast 456

Bad Omen. A special primary election in Minnesota’s 35th Senate District results in 60 percent of the vote for RINO Jim Abeler over the Tea Party and Republican Party endorsed candidate Andy Aplicowski and may be a bad omen for the general election in 2016. The Iowa Precinct Caucuses are on February 1st. Minnesota’s caucuses are on March 1st. With the national media reporting on the Republican Party ‘Civil War’, and the impact of the Tea Party in that ‘civil war’ it looks like the Tea Party is all show, and no go. Tea Party groups can’t seem to get out the vote for ‘principled’ conservatives. Is this a bad omen? Is it possible voters don’t agree with the Tea Party message? Are the Tea Party groups lazy? Or, maybe Tea Party groups are just ignorant of what real political organizing requires. If this happens nationwide in 2016 then the so called ‘grassroots surge’ of ‘principled’ conservatives in the Republican Party, supported by Tea Party chapters all over the country, may be one of the biggest busts, and thus one of the biggest stories of 2016 bad omen, or not. Offering excuses doesn’t cut it. Win, or go home. Sure, the story line of the Tea Party as kingmaker serves the mainstream media’s interests now, but if the Tea Party can’t produce results what the media gives will be taken away, mercilessly. What’s wrong? This might be considered a harsh analysis for some, but when the Tea Party candidate loses by sixty percent of the vote, it’s a criticism that should be heard and a story that’s not being told. Is there something these groups can do to improve their performance? What happens if they keep failing to win? Sponsored by Hydrus, Pride of Home and Luke Team Real Estate.