New Thinking-Grassroots Movements-Minnesota-Bob Davis Podcast 786

These days people often say, “Politicians never do what they say”. Time to focus on a new way of thinking about politics in New Thinking-Grassroots Movements-Minnesota-Bob Davis Podcast 786.

Focus On Minnesota

First of all, let’s focus on Minnesota in New Thinking-Grassroots Movements-Minnesota-Bob Davis Podcast 786.

All States Are The Same. Right?

Seems like we think all states are the same. Every state has McDonald’s right? We eat the same foods. Watch the same shows.

Different Settlers

Especially relevant all the states were settled at different times. Different kinds of people settled them. Consequently the politics of all the states are different.

Minnesota Quirk

Furthermore political scientists say Minnesota is most noteworthy for its political quirks. Minnesota can produce a Walter Mondale and a Jesse Ventura. Therefore for history on Minnesota’s unique progressive history, go here.

Ranching Versus Farming – Oil versus Taconite

In addition one of the common refrains of Minnesota Republicans is, “Why can’t we be more like Texas?“. It’s as simple as when the states were settled and who settled them. The difference between ranching and farming. Or, between oil and mining.

Passive Aggressive Behavior or Minnesota Ice

Truth is when it comes to politics in the land of ten thousand lakes, passive aggressive behavior rules the roost.

Political Movements Going Nowhere

Moreover republican homegrown political movements are reactive and scattershot. So, they aren’t very effective.

Special Interests Are Choking All Minnesotans

Finally, special interests and money have a choke hold on Minnesota’s politics. Public private partnerships. Chambers of Commerce. Insurance Companies. Non-Profits. Seven rich guys in Minnetonka. One-Issue-Charlie religious contributors. Certainly a grassroots movement has to be strong enough to overpower these interests.

Above all nothing will change until the advent of a dynamic and powerful grassroots movement. Even more a movement that can deliver votes and money.

No More Self Serving Republican Reptiles

Great movements don’t start with self serving pols seeking glory and fame. In conclusion and by definition is starts with the people.

Sponsored by Water Butler Water Purification Systems and the Citizens Council For Health Freedom

New Thinking-Grassroots Movements-Minnesota-Bob Davis Podcast 786


Republican Revolt-Breakaway-Minnesota Style-Bob Davis Podcast 785

Four Minnesota State Representatives have revolted.

Learn more in Republican Revolt-Breakaway-Minnesota Style-Bob Davis Podcast 785.

The New House Republican Caucus

Steve Drazkowski of Mazepa, Cal Bahr of East Bethel, Tim Miller of Prinsburg and Jeremy Munson of Lake Crystal will soon be meeting as The New House Republican Caucus.

Straight Talk

First of all, the Minnesota Legislature is as confusing as it is frustrating. Getting a straight answer from politicians is never easy. Straight talk from a Minnesota Legislator is truly a rare thing.

The Swamp Of Republican Political Philosophy

Especially relevant is the swamp you’ll wade through when you talk to Minnesota Republicans. They are foggy on the ideas behind terms like freedom, smaller government and conservatism. According to one of the new caucus members, republican leadership isn’t for freedom and smaller government at all. So much for principles.

Bullying By Republican Leadership

Most noteworthy is the ongoing bullying of members by leadership alleged by representative Steve Drazkowski. ‘Draz’ joins me on this podcast.

Republican Debacle In 2018 Leads To 2020 Concern

Moreover republican house members are touchy when it comes to the reasons behind the stinging defeat in the 2018 election. The new caucus blames former Speaker and current House Minority Leader Kurt Daudt.

It’s a Farm Thing

Since The New Republican House Caucus hails from rural districts, news reports suggest this is a rural thing. It almost goes without saying that farm country is more ‘republican’ than the cities. Drazkowski says it’s the cities that aren’t ‘conservative’ enough.

Republican Leaders Aren’t Conservative

Finally what about republican’s loss of the Minnesota house and all statewide races? Is it because the suburbs around Minneapolis and Saint Paul did not support Trump? Furthermore Daudt and other leaders supported non endorsed candidates? Did they weaken the grassroots?

Saint Paul Shenanigans Lead To Tame Revolt.

Shenanigans in Saint Paul are legendary. We’ve all heard the rumors about pecking order orientations. We know staffers appointed by leadership tattle on members. Leaders bullying members on votes. Above all rumors of bullying more ‘conservative’ members are normal.

In conclusion Representative Drazkowski says in this podcast that the special interests are only in it for themselves. Due to this reality money and power have a chokehold on politics in this state. Consequently, it ought to be chilling to republicans.

Sponsored by The Citizens Council For Health Freedom and The Water Butler Water Purification Systems

Republican Revolt-Breakaway-Minnesota Style-Bob Davis Podcast 785

Podcast 534-Bob Davis Podcast Radio Show-38

Podcast 534-Bob Davis Podcast Radio Show-38. Posting this week’s radio show, with new content, from Rapid City, South Dakota. The radio show produced in Wall, South Dakota just outside the famous Wall Drug…which is actually pretty cool. In Podcast 534-Bob Davis Podcast Radio Show-38, a number of topics covered during this week’s podcast with new content added. For one thing, the rumors that somehow the republicans will ‘Dump Trump’ persist. It’s more than pure comedy when people who supported the Republican establishment’s embrace of Trump with full throated enthusiasm are scrambling to distance themselves from the Republican Candidate after his comments regarding the parents of a muslim American Serviceman who was killed in action. Add to that the fact that more and more people are suddenly interested in the political process, and are sending me emails and asking me, “Who should I vote for?”, or “What’s going on”? I share my answer with listeners in this podcast, although some of you won’t like the response. Once again, we have an over stimulated population well informed on the political gossip, but poorly informed on issues; the issues that we’re actually picking a president to deal with. This doesn’t even include congressional elections. With republicans defending some pretty competitive senate races, the potential for Donald Trump’s candidacy to cause a loss of control of the Senate for the GOP, could be devastating. Remember, Trump was ‘the one who can win’, and ‘the one who can take the fight to Hillary’. Has anyone thought about the prospect of Donald Trump as president with a democrat senate? The man who has pledged to ‘spend more that Hillary’ on government stimulus? This prospect, or even worse, the specter of Trump losing the presidency and republican control of the senate has apparently just dawned on the very establishment leaders that so lovingly embraced the New York Developer as their presidential nominee just a few short weeks ago. Only time will tell what the outcome of this election will be, but it could be death knell of the republican party. The republican establishment has already killed the so called conservative movement. In the final segment of this week’s show we come to local elections. Specifically, a local election in the northern suburbs of Minneapolis and Saint Paul, challenging the current speaker of the Minnesota House of Representatives, Kurt Daudt. An Elk River man is alleging that a local tea party chapter and its associated political action groups has violated Minnesota State Election Law. (Editor’s Note: I am working to validate the allegations made by Matt Stevens of Elk River. In this effort I have already uncovered some discrepancies in the citations of evidence, and some questions as to whether Stevens fully understands how the Tea Party Alliance and its associated PACS are constituted. This is material when considering whether they have violated state campaign laws. Moreover, Stevens has refused any further comment or interviews ‘until the primary’, adding fuel to the suggestion by some that this was nothing more than a dirty trick to derail the campaign against the Speaker. Those involved in the Tea Party and its PACS refuse to comment until after the primary. By law, the State of Minnesota can’t even reveal whether a complaint has actually been filed.) From here it’s on to Sturgis for the big motorcycle rally, and my favorite town in South Dakota; Deadwood. Sponsored by Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul.