Podcast 112

Podcast 112 is your midweek update. Congressman Paul Ryan spoke at the Center for the American Experiment in Minneapolis on Saint Patrick’s day, 2014. Ryan said a lot of good things, and there will be more from this speech in future podcasts, but I take exception with one statement. There is no ‘center right movement’. There’s a liberty and tea party movement, but moderates by definition aren’t a ‘movement’. Plus, where I think flight 370 is, why the west will do nothing about the Russian annexation of Crimea and why inaction is dangerous, the heavy energy of late March and early April. Of course my favorite stories of the week so far, including government mandated ear plugs (only in Minneapolis), Amtrak and the Oasis on the North West tollway in Chicago. Podcast 112 is sponsored by: The Good Feet Store.

Podcast 107

Coverage of the international crisis in the Ukraine. President Obama warned the Russians not to invade Crimea. The Russians invaded Crimea. Now what? What happens when your threats are not backed by force? What happens when you’re a doormat? People like Vladimir Putin walk all over you. In this podcast Bob Davis poses some questions for citizens considering the issues for elections in 2014 and 2014. These days we’re focused on domestic policy, but if this administration isn’t careful, the US could be threatened in ways we haven’t seen in generations. It’s up to us to give our representatives and senators direction. What kind of foreign policy is appropriate for the US? How do we back Putin down? Do we? Sponsored by the Good Feet Store.