Podcast 128

Top Stories! Get updated on the week’s top stories. We’re getting back on the horse after Easter weekend. My take on the Bundy Ranch Standoff? More than a tax issue, this is a political corruption issue. Continuing to watch Eastern Ukraine for signs of trouble, as the ‘Geneva Accord’ looks more and more like Munich! Or, maybe August 1914. Maybe it’s just eclipse energy! Democrats have been told to stop saying ‘recovery’ … Why? There goes Pope Francis again, popping off about ‘Free Markets’ and all the damage they cause. Plus, updates on where I’ll be speaking next in the Minneapolis-Saint Paul Metro. Sponsored by Plan Vision. Simple, Smart and Focused

Podcast 106

The conversation with John Tamny, editor of RealClearMarkets and Forbes continues. More on the Federal Reserve, BitCoin, Sound Money, the US Dollar, Inequality, His Holiness The Pope of Rome, the Podcast revolution and much more. For people looking for substantive discussion about economics this is your podcast. You won’t find this kind of conversation on talk radio anywhere in the United States. This is Part 2 of John’s interview with Bob Davis. Sponsored by XGovernmentcars.