Podcast 215

Back In The Studio. After almost ten days on the road, back in the home studio for this podcast. And what a news weekend it was. The US sends ‘troops’ to Africa to provide logistics support and training in the effort to combat the spread of Ebola. Meanwhile, a movie executive says ‘apocalyptic tentpole movies’ are boring audiences. When you consider people getting their heads chopped off, and a raging epidemic of the world’s most deadly disease, maybe some people actually think we are living in a future-post-apocalyptic-dystopia. What does the media report, and what are the real facts on-the-ground in any of the situations we’re watching in the world today. We have no way of knowing. Do our subconscious minds know the difference between the news, and Game Of Thrones, Walking Dead, or any other end-of-the-world themed venue? More and more the commentariat really is an echo chamber, where pundits and presenters are talking to each other. This was one of the primary reasons for the ‘News Cleanse’, and the ‘Road Trip’. It doesn’t appear that these events – as horrible as they are – have negatively effected the people in the many states I drove through last week. I hate to say it, but life looks like it is pretty good for some pretty normal looking people, despite The Pope saying we’re in a sort of ‘low-grade’ world war three. Are we? What do really know about anything going on these days. The pollsters told us Scotland would break off from the UK. Scotland voted No. Do we make our own luck, or live in fear? Also some quick views on what passes for local TV Broadcast news, how the most quiet Atlantic Hurricane season since the early 90’s has effected cable television news, and the latest scare in the virus world (besides Ebola) EV-D68, now ‘flooding’, ‘mobbing’ and ‘crowding’ ER’s in New York State, where there have been dozens, dozens mind you, of this respiratory virus which is also known as a bad summer cold. It never ends. But…that’s what makes my job fun. Sponsored by Baklund R&D


Virtue. Morality. The theme for Podcast 149. Three stories from today’s headlines that relate to the question: What do these words mean when applied to the nation? Is the United States a failing country when it comes to morality? What was our morality like in other times in US History? Is it moral to suggest war ‘should’ be more democratic so that we all sufffer destruction and death equally? Is it true that immigrants make more over a lifetime than Americans, and that if you’re a poor native born American, it isn’t your fault? And what of virtue and morality? While Americans struggle to hang onto their houses, cars and put food on the table, religious authorities in Roman bejeweled palaces, and behind crystal lecterns tell us we are amoral, and lack virtue. Its about time we tell them, we have had it with them telling us how we’re ‘supposed’ to act and feel, considering the last ten years of feckless leadership. Sponsored by XGovernment Cars

Podcast 133

Slash and Burn from the Kitchen! The Washington Post exposes Tea Party finances emphasizing the need for local chapters to build responsive, powerful, influential and accountable political organizations. Are Republicans going soft on the ObamaCare repeal? Politicians will backpedal if the pressure isn’t maintained. Is America’s Infrastructure crumbling, and are we wasting money on trains? US Capitol Police report threats against Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and armed militia members in Nevada are said to be setting up checkpoints. Are Porn stars entitled to the same rights as you and I? Why is the Department of Justice telling the banks to close the  accounts of sex workers? First they came for the Porn Stars … and then they came for me. And then there’s the Pope, who condemns capitalism while he takes money from capitalists for his big double canonization. Yes, I’d like a healthy dose of hypocrisy with my wafer, thank you. And, is modern man inferior to Cro Magnon man? Sponsored by PlanVision. Learn how you can save up to 80 percent of the fees you may be currently charged for your 401K management.