Covid-Chaos-Denial-Observations-Bob Davis Podcast 914

Welcome To Covid Crisis Denial

Seems like the whole world has gone crazy doesn’t it? Time for an easy talker about the Covid Crisis Denial. In addition some thoughts on the future. Learn more in Covid-Chaos-Denial-Observations-Bob Davis Podcast 914.

Podcast Series

I’ve produced a whole series of podcasts listeners are still getting caught up on. Click here for all of them.

The Politics of Panic

Podcast 910 on the politics of panic is especially relevant.

Loss Of Conservative Political Principals

Even more, podcast 912 details the breakdown of conservative principles in the face of fear.

Hey Dad, What’s an Economic Breakdown?

Finally there’s podcast 913. How could the world economy might break down and what might be done about it, even if that’s the wrong thing to do.

Additional Thoughts and Observations

Covid-Chaos-Denial-Observations-Bob Davis Podcast 914 consolidates some thoughts and observations from the earlier podcasts in the series.

What I have Not Said

I certainly will tell you in this podcast what I have not said in the series.

So Far Very Little Bloviating

I think it’s most noteworthy that I have not bloviated on medical and statistical explanations the way some media charlatans have. On the other hand I will share some stories.

Details On Spreading Dread

In conclusion the second half of this podcast explores some of the details about the spread of Coronavirus and the potential economic effects. One of the things I’ve noticed is despite the tools we have, many people are at a loss when it comes to fact checking what is being said.

I’d like To Order A Miracle Please

Above all I will say that I believe we are just at the beginning of a nationwide crisis only a miracle will save us from.

As I have said from the get go…Time Will Tell

(Editor’s Note: This is obviously a fast moving story. Every now and then I misspeak or get a fact wrong. It really bothers me when I do, especially when it comes to arithmetic or something I should have known. I apologize for those mistakes in advance. I think right now, it’s better to get the content up than to be worried about everything being exactly right. On the other hand I’m pretty confident of my observations in general.)

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Covid-Chaos-Denial-Observations-Bob Davis Podcast 914

Doomsday-Prep-Overkill-Commonsense-Bob Davis Podcast 852

Preppers Gone Wild

My inbox has been full of prepping info ever since I did the podcast about Ebola. These days if you think your phone isn’t listening to you, think again. Learn more in Doomsday-Prep-Overkill-Commonsense-Bob Davis Podcast 852.

Nuclear War

First of all is it necessary to prep for nuclear war? Hydrogen bombs are exponentially more powerful than the Hiroshima bomb.

Moreover Minneapolis and Saint Paul would be dust if we got nuked. In that case, what’s the prep for?

Ordering Your Supplies From Glenn Beck

Do I really need to spend six hundred dollars for a year’s supply of dried beans in case of a nuclear war?

If Jesus Is Coming You Don’t Need Supplies

Some people want to be ready for the day when our Lord Jesus returns. I thought Jesus will take the believers before the trouble starts. If you’re down with the Man, save your money on prepping. You’re out of here.

Collapse Of All Government May Be Just What The Doctor Ordered

What about Earthquakes? Hurricanes? Even more, a collapse of all government?

Freeze Dried Lasagna And Family Radios

Do I need dried food and hand charging radios for that? What if Yellowstone finally blows? Well, THAT one you might want to think about.

What To Prepare For…Really

People who live in the Upper Midwest should be prepared for two things. A power failure in the dead of winter and a really bad tornado. The only real concern is whether we can make it to the lake, and if we want to spend more time with the family.

What If People Pull Together In A Disaster?

Finally End Of The Worlders seem to think those who live in the exurbs will be beset by inner city hoards. But the Preppers all predict the people they don’t like won’t make it. Especially the liberals. But what if people work together in a disaster?

Prep Overkill

In conclusion there are things we should have a plan for. Time for an easy conversation about some of the things we should not worry about, on a beautiful summer night. Common sense says worrying about the rest of it is just overkill.

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Doomsday-Prep-Overkill-Commonsense-Bob Davis Podcast 852

Ebola-Emergency-YouTube-Fearmongering-Bob Davis Podcast 851

Something Terrible Is Going To Happen

These days it’s easy to get attention if you start out with “something terrible is going to happen“. Especially on YouTube. Even more if you’re talking about Ebola. We’ll get to the bottom of the story in Ebola-Emergency-YouTube-Fearmongering-Bob Davis Podcast 851.

YouTube Fearmongering

It’s especially relevant that most 18-49 adults in the United States watch YouTube every day. The video service is the world’s second largest search engine.


Therefore, it’s not a surprise that YouTube is also a primary source for ‘news‘.


I have come to the conclusion most of what we see and hear today as News, is in fact actual propaganda. I couldn’t tell you whether it’s paid for by foreign governments or our own but it sure seems to sow fear and confusion when it comes to potentially serious topics.

End Of The World Predictions and The Deep State

Moreover I’ve done several podcasts over the years about the fearmongers on YouTube. End of The World predictions that never come true. So called experts on UFO’s. Political conspiracies. Fake information. The Deep State. You can find some of those podcasts here.

Enter Ebola

The latest is Ebola.

We’re all going to die of Ebola. At least that’s how the story goes.

Are These Real Investigations?

In Ebola-Emergency-YouTube-Fearmongering-Bob Davis Podcast 851 we’ll take a look at the journalistic requirements for making definitive statements. What’s the difference between a rewrite of an existing story and a real investigation? What about confirmation and multiple sources. These are good tools to have when it comes to evaluating whether you’re being manipulated.

Finally Ebola Is No Joke

There is a pandemic in Southwestern Africa. People want to know. Is it airborne? What about cases in the United States? What about Congolese immigrants detained at the US southern border? Is it an epidemic? What’s the difference? Is this the biggest Ebola pandemic yet?

No Port In The Information Storm

In conclusion with no objective source of information we don’t have a port in the storm. Every now and then I have to hose down the Amatuer content creators. Especially when bad information can be dangerous.

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Ebola-Emergency-YouTube-Fearmongering-Bob Davis Podcast 851