Covid-Chaos-Denial-Observations-Bob Davis Podcast 914

Welcome To Covid Crisis Denial

Seems like the whole world has gone crazy doesn’t it? Time for an easy talker about the Covid Crisis Denial. In addition some thoughts on the future. Learn more in Covid-Chaos-Denial-Observations-Bob Davis Podcast 914.

Podcast Series

I’ve produced a whole series of podcasts listeners are still getting caught up on. Click here for all of them.

The Politics of Panic

Podcast 910 on the politics of panic is especially relevant.

Loss Of Conservative Political Principals

Even more, podcast 912 details the breakdown of conservative principles in the face of fear.

Hey Dad, What’s an Economic Breakdown?

Finally there’s podcast 913. How could the world economy might break down and what might be done about it, even if that’s the wrong thing to do.

Additional Thoughts and Observations

Covid-Chaos-Denial-Observations-Bob Davis Podcast 914 consolidates some thoughts and observations from the earlier podcasts in the series.

What I have Not Said

I certainly will tell you in this podcast what I have not said in the series.

So Far Very Little Bloviating

I think it’s most noteworthy that I have not bloviated on medical and statistical explanations the way some media charlatans have. On the other hand I will share some stories.

Details On Spreading Dread

In conclusion the second half of this podcast explores some of the details about the spread of Coronavirus and the potential economic effects. One of the things I’ve noticed is despite the tools we have, many people are at a loss when it comes to fact checking what is being said.

I’d like To Order A Miracle Please

Above all I will say that I believe we are just at the beginning of a nationwide crisis only a miracle will save us from.

As I have said from the get go…Time Will Tell

(Editor’s Note: This is obviously a fast moving story. Every now and then I misspeak or get a fact wrong. It really bothers me when I do, especially when it comes to arithmetic or something I should have known. I apologize for those mistakes in advance. I think right now, it’s better to get the content up than to be worried about everything being exactly right. On the other hand I’m pretty confident of my observations in general.)

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Covid-Chaos-Denial-Observations-Bob Davis Podcast 914

Podcast 418

Live From The Kitchen. The last few days in podcasting have been busy. Back in the bunker, and pleasantly exhausted from the weekend at Agorafest 2015, time for a podcast live from the kitchen. After a great dinner, sipping back coffee going over the day’s and the week’s news in the wake of a weekend discussing political and social concepts. It seems the news is more and more a rehash rather than focused on what really matters. It was said this weekend that the GOP has probably created more anarchists than anything else. That might be amended to suggest both mainline political parties are creating frustrated and angry people, and apparently not listening to them. It isn’t that congress can’t get anything done, it’s what congress, and the president actually does that’s creating the frustration, anger, discord and angst. We’re back to calling anyone who can’t be categorized a ‘populist’, including Bernie Sanders, Donald Trump the UK’s labor leader Jeremy Corbin and oddly enough, Pope Francis. The populist movement in the United States was primarily a movement that served the interests of midwestern farmers against the Republican and Democrat parties, and bears little resemblance to rhetoricians, marxists, and socialists. Yet the media continues to throw out the term, as though people actually understand what it means. As the Republican Speaker of the House resigns amid the ‘planned parenthood shut down fight’, people naively wonder whether the next speaker will be more ‘conservative’. Emphatically yes, they are all conservative in the sense that they serve the interests of big government against all the people. That makes them conservative statists (in my view conservative socialists) regardless of whether they have a D or an R after their name. This is the problem in American politics, not whether the Federal Government funds Planned Parenthood. Shut it down! Yes! Shut it down. Pull the fuel lines and plugs and batteries and let it rot in the wheat field! Don’t waste your breath on distractions, shut the government down because it is out of control, and all our so called representatives are part of the problem, they are certainly not the solution. We need new ideas, new concepts and these are not the people who will find them, develop them, and support them. Two stories to watch right now. One is economic, and the other is Russia in Syria. As debt levels increase to dangerous levels, the world’s central banks don’t know what to do. The danger of a meltdown is increasing. Putin has Obama checkmated in Syria. First the administration denied the Russians were going into Syria, then they minimized it. Now they’re actually negotiating with Putin. Russia is now fighting against ISIS, allied with Assad and Iran and Iraq. Where’s the US? Testing the idea of ‘non-interventionist’ foreign policy while Putin practices Realpolitik and Realist Foreign Policy brilliantly. Clearly it is necessary to point out yet again that we have exceeded all the political, social and economic constructs of the last thirty years and something new is coming. Are we ready for it? Sponsored by Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul and X Government Trucks

Podcast 416 – AgoraFest 2015

AgoraFest 15. Live from a gathering of Anarchists and a few Libertarians in Frontenac, Minnesota at the Villa Maria Conference Center and Retreat, better known as Hogwarts. One thing missing from politics these days is fresh ideas. It doesn’t matter whether you are on the right, or left, it sure seems like political parties are peddling stale and recycled ideas from a time when Michael Jackson’s ‘Thriller’ was brand new. In this podcast AgoraFest attendees explain what Agorists are all about and in the process throw out some ideas that are unsettling to some. One of those ideas is to reject politics and political involvement completely, in the process of creating a community of anarchists with a free market entrepreneurial focus. One might think Agorafest is a gathering of eccentrics who spend time thinking and talking about things that don’t matter to people involved in traditional politics. To a certain extent that is true, but it is also true there is more going on here than talks about Austrian Economics and Home Brewing. At a time when traditional politicians claim an economic policy is either another tax cut, or another program to redistribute the fruits of an individual’s labor, maybe some of these ideas about self sufficiency, government power and volunteerism have some real value. Some people in what we might call traditional politics reject this kind of thing out of hand, and they might suggest rejecting political involvement is nihilistic, but it is also true that traditional politics has been unresponsive to the point where people feel their so called leaders are not listening to voters, and are more interested in retaining power. It’s this kind of behavior that adds credibility to the idea of withdrawing, working on building a community and setting an example. Podcast listeners and subscribers will have to decide whether this example is valid for them. At the very least though, they might listen and think about something besides what the bouncing news ball says they should think about. Sponsored by X Government Trucks and Pride of Homes