Ebola-Emergency-YouTube-Fearmongering-Bob Davis Podcast 851

Something Terrible Is Going To Happen

These days it’s easy to get attention if you start out with “something terrible is going to happen“. Especially on YouTube. Even more if you’re talking about Ebola. We’ll get to the bottom of the story in Ebola-Emergency-YouTube-Fearmongering-Bob Davis Podcast 851.

YouTube Fearmongering

It’s especially relevant that most 18-49 adults in the United States watch YouTube every day. The video service is the world’s second largest search engine.


Therefore, it’s not a surprise that YouTube is also a primary source for ‘news‘.


I have come to the conclusion most of what we see and hear today as News, is in fact actual propaganda. I couldn’t tell you whether it’s paid for by foreign governments or our own but it sure seems to sow fear and confusion when it comes to potentially serious topics.

End Of The World Predictions and The Deep State

Moreover I’ve done several podcasts over the years about the fearmongers on YouTube. End of The World predictions that never come true. So called experts on UFO’s. Political conspiracies. Fake information. The Deep State. You can find some of those podcasts here.

Enter Ebola

The latest is Ebola.

We’re all going to die of Ebola. At least that’s how the story goes.

Are These Real Investigations?

In Ebola-Emergency-YouTube-Fearmongering-Bob Davis Podcast 851 we’ll take a look at the journalistic requirements for making definitive statements. What’s the difference between a rewrite of an existing story and a real investigation? What about confirmation and multiple sources. These are good tools to have when it comes to evaluating whether you’re being manipulated.

Finally Ebola Is No Joke

There is a pandemic in Southwestern Africa. People want to know. Is it airborne? What about cases in the United States? What about Congolese immigrants detained at the US southern border? Is it an epidemic? What’s the difference? Is this the biggest Ebola pandemic yet?

No Port In The Information Storm

In conclusion with no objective source of information we don’t have a port in the storm. Every now and then I have to hose down the Amatuer content creators. Especially when bad information can be dangerous.

Sponsored by Lacroix Law and Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul

Ebola-Emergency-YouTube-Fearmongering-Bob Davis Podcast 851




Return On Investment Chaotic World-Podcast 646

Fast and sometimes chaotic change sometimes causes people to cling to the old days and old ways. Return On Investment Chaotic World-Podcast 646 focuses on advertising for small business.

An Incredible Time

These days individuals and small business have the ability to achieve the kind of reach only dreamt about in past eras. One of the biggest problems I encounter is the habit of small businesses to fall into small thinking.

You Put A Dollar Into One End Of This Machine and You Get Twenty

Seems like business owners think there’s a machine somewhere that converts one dollar bills into twenty dollar bills and its called ‘Return on Investment‘. Social Media. Digital Advertising. Funnels. SEO. What are these? How do you set your business apart from competitors? We’ll talk about it in Return On Investment Chaotic World-Podcast 646.

ROI Is A Pig In A Poke

You don’t build a brand – as hackneyed as that concept is these days – worrying about ‘return on investment’. You don’t build a brand with ‘Hey Come On Down’ advertising approaches. Old thinking dominates main street and our political process.

Do You Feel The World Change?

Change is especially relevant these days. Chaos is another thing. Problem is if you don’t orient yourself and your business to it, change will become chaos.

There are more yoga teachers in the United States than Coal Miners, but we are developing a major economic policy for coal miners. Internet Commerce is in the process of disrupting and destroying retail. Yet, we’re building more malls. Autonomous machines and software of all kinds is replacing workers but city councils are passing higher minimum wages. In Return On Investment Chaotic World-Podcast 646.

Delivery By Drone

Technology already exists to deliver most of major company’s commerce by drone. Regulation and approval is holding it up. Same with driverless cars and many other innovations.

Meanwhile Back At The Ranch

I think it is probably predictable that in the face of potential chaotic change, people cling to the old ways of thinking and doing. Especially when it comes to advertising and politics. Change waits for no one though. It seems like the more we wait to adapt and improvise the more potential chaos looms.

Mundane to Extraordinary

The Return on Investment trope is the trigger for a romp through a discussion of new technology and its effects. From tanks in World War I to Edward Snowden. From advertising to asymmetric threats. It is here and more is coming. Return On Investment Chaotic World-Podcast 646.

Sponsored by Brush Studio In The West End

Return On Investment Chaotic World-Podcast 646

Podcast 227

Eclipse Radio. The three main takeaways from the news so far this week, hours before the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on October 8th, 2014. The Blood Moon. Speaking of…While the pencil necked bureaucrats at the CDC say, “Nothing to see here folks!”, other medical scientists and researchers are not so quick to be cowed. Experts are worried – that is the word they use – the Ebola virus may spread more easily than the government assumes. The word is, there isn’t enough data to conclusively rule out the possibility the virus is only transmitted through contact with secreted substances from an infected person. There is also not enough data to conclusively determine how fast the virus can mutate, or whether the mutations would result in a less dangerous, or much more dangerous virus. People should also take note of the Enterovirus D-68 ‘Paralysis’ story, because the reporting on this one is terrible. We would like to know where these people are from, whether they have been vaccinated for Polio, and if they have come to this country recently. Meanwhile coverage of the the vacuous shout-fest between Ben Affleck and Bill Maher has apparently occupied the attention of every major commentator, despite the fact that a US Ally and NATO member Turkey, has abandoned The Kurdish people. As a result a massacre – at the very least – is in the wind as ISIS is about to take, or has taken the Kurdish town of Kobani, full of refugees from the Syrian Conflict. Oh by the way, those air-strikes? Didn’t work. On the election 2014 front, suddenly the political ‘Money Ballers’ are hedging their bets. The American people are really mad, though. Don’t know if we’ll vote, or who we’ll vote for, but the media knows for sure we’re mad. Finally some thoughts about the eclipse, superstition, how to deal with the Orwellian media reality in America today, and the coming of a new era. (Editors Note: It can’t get here fast enough for me!) Sponsored by Sedation and Implant Dentistry of Saint Paul and by Depot Star