So-Over-Political-Talk-Bob Davis Podcast 956

So Over Political Talk

Firstly I am so over political talk. Learn more in So-Over-Political-Talk-Bob Davis Podcast 956.

It’s Wallpaper

What used to be refreshing and unique in media has finally become wallpaper.

Life In A Graphic Novel

Secondly a recent ‘presidential debate’ makes our political and real life feel like we’re in a graphic novel.

Guess What? The Old Guy Next Door Is A Political Expert Too!

Everyone has suddenly become a political expert and wants to share it with the world.

Check Out My FaceBook And YouTube Feed!

Megyn Kelly’s gonna share her ‘Predictions’ of ‘what will happen in the debate’.

So are the guys at Vanity Fair and CNBC! Stay tuned! Like and Share!

News Is Now Opinion, Right?

In the same vein the next day’s headlines are all opinion screeds from the penguin pundits.

This is not news.

What A Joke!

Seems like our current political system has produced the worst candidates in history.

No Joy On Election Night?

Above all we don’t even know if there will be a result on election night!

Talk Talk Talk

But everyone keeps talking about it.

As a result So-Over-Political-Talk-Bob Davis Podcast 956 talks about what happens one kind of content saturates a medium.

Turn On…Tune Out

People start tuning it out.

And turning it off.

What’s The Point? Clicks And Views!

Finally I have to ask. What’s the point? Who’s minds will be changed?

Frustrating, Exhausting and Boring!

In conclusion I like this podcast because of the obvious level of my frustration.


I think much of our frustration and angst as a nation is due to all these magpies squawking on the power lines.

Time To Take Action

Most importantly I am certainly going to take some steps in the near future to further evolve the content of my podcasts. More about that in the future.

Radio Stories and Shout Outs

Meanwhile join me on a walk and talk. I’ll tell some radio stories and a few shout outs. In addition I’ll do my best to bring some clarity to this insanity.

Back to the graphic novel.

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So-Over-Political-Talk-Bob Davis Podcast 956






Convergence-2020-UFO-Hunting-Bob Davis Podcast 940

Harmonic Convergence 2020 UFO Hunting

This summer the planets in our solar system line up in July and another ‘Planet Parade’ in August. As a result I joined friends to watch the heavens for extra terrestrial craft. Learn more in Convergence-2020-UFO-Hunting-Bob Davis Podcast 940.

Last Alignment Was In 1987

Back in 1987 during another unique planetary alignment organizers of the Harmonic Convergence meditated for world peace. In the same vein an all new Harmonic Convergence group gathered world wide in mid July to encourage ET’s to show themselves.

Made For Podcasting!

Consequently on the last day of the convergence I found myself in an empty field watching the skies. What an opportunity for a Podcasting! Hear the results and get more information in Convergence-2020-UFO-Hunting-Bob Davis Podcast 940.

No Negative Energy Here

On the other hand our little excursion provided a welcome relief from the negative energy in a world that seems about to break.

Not Thinking About ET’s

During the event my thoughts weren’t necessarily on ET’s.

So Much Fun…Like Boyhood Summer Shenanigans

To clarify, my thoughts were on how much fun I was having. It was like being thirteen years old again!

2020’s Harmonic Convergence Events

To learn more about 2020’s convergence events click here.

Origins Of CE-5 Events

Secondly in the podcast there are many references to Steven Greer and something called an CE-5 event. For more information about that, go here.

Crazy? Have You Looked At The News Lately?

Finally I know some of my audience will think this is crazy. Maybe so. However it can’t be any crazier than what’s going on in the news, or what we see on social media these days. Right?

Childlike Wonder

In short why not take a moment to stare at the sky in childlike wonder?

Great Energy For Debrief

I do have to say after our ‘hunt’, we all had a huge influx of energy. You can hear that during our final debrief after piling into Mobile Podcast Command.

A Break From Real Madness In Our World

In conclusion who knows if the ET’s are up there. Or, if they’re watching. But the opportunity to have some fun and learn something without the rancor and sour feelings associated with most things currently, was a godsend.

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Convergence-2020-UFO-Hunting-Bob Davis Podcast 940


Doomsday-Prep-Overkill-Commonsense-Bob Davis Podcast 852

Preppers Gone Wild

My inbox has been full of prepping info ever since I did the podcast about Ebola. These days if you think your phone isn’t listening to you, think again. Learn more in Doomsday-Prep-Overkill-Commonsense-Bob Davis Podcast 852.

Nuclear War

First of all is it necessary to prep for nuclear war? Hydrogen bombs are exponentially more powerful than the Hiroshima bomb.

Moreover Minneapolis and Saint Paul would be dust if we got nuked. In that case, what’s the prep for?

Ordering Your Supplies From Glenn Beck

Do I really need to spend six hundred dollars for a year’s supply of dried beans in case of a nuclear war?

If Jesus Is Coming You Don’t Need Supplies

Some people want to be ready for the day when our Lord Jesus returns. I thought Jesus will take the believers before the trouble starts. If you’re down with the Man, save your money on prepping. You’re out of here.

Collapse Of All Government May Be Just What The Doctor Ordered

What about Earthquakes? Hurricanes? Even more, a collapse of all government?

Freeze Dried Lasagna And Family Radios

Do I need dried food and hand charging radios for that? What if Yellowstone finally blows? Well, THAT one you might want to think about.

What To Prepare For…Really

People who live in the Upper Midwest should be prepared for two things. A power failure in the dead of winter and a really bad tornado. The only real concern is whether we can make it to the lake, and if we want to spend more time with the family.

What If People Pull Together In A Disaster?

Finally End Of The Worlders seem to think those who live in the exurbs will be beset by inner city hoards. But the Preppers all predict the people they don’t like won’t make it. Especially the liberals. But what if people work together in a disaster?

Prep Overkill

In conclusion there are things we should have a plan for. Time for an easy conversation about some of the things we should not worry about, on a beautiful summer night. Common sense says worrying about the rest of it is just overkill.

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Doomsday-Prep-Overkill-Commonsense-Bob Davis Podcast 852