Off-Grid-Yuma-BLM-Bob Davis Podcast 1157

Life at an Off Grid BLM Camp near Yuma is an acquired taste. Details in Off-Grid-Yuma-BLM-Bob Davis Podcast 1157 .

Firstly I have been traveling and camping at some spectacular National Forest campgrounds,

And National Parks.

Even more at some amazing Bureau Of Land Management campgrounds which are well maintained and fantastic.

But the so called Long Term Visitor Areas are a different story.

Certainly my listeners and subscribers have followed my tribulations through the LTVA experience in Quartzsite, Arizona.

Above all Yuma isn’t much better.

By the same token the vibe in at Yuma is a little more chill than a hundred miles to the North in Quartzsite.

Basically I ran into some first time RV people; the other day and they expressed their displeasure with these LTVA’s run by the Department of The Interior.

Overall this is a great place to wait out the final few weeks of what we call cold weather down here.

In fact with temperatures in the 80’s as I write…

It won’t be long until I start spring travel into the higher elevations.

Undoubtedly first time RV people have their concerns.

It’s important to realize that these places have no power or water hook ups.

Nevertheless there is garbage service and fresh water.

In the same fashion bathrooms are provided.

Unfortunately sometimes they don’t work.

Another point overlooked is the BLM isn’t very good at fixing things…

Or cleaning things up.

In contrast to nearby military bases with five bars of 5G…the US Department of the Interior cannot seem to figure out how to get cell service into these LTVA’s.

On the other hand once you accept all those drawbacks life can be pleasant here.

Secondly one of the things about this environment is it tends to be more social.

All things considered I am changing my requirements when it comes to camping.

In fact these days I prefer more solitude and emptiness.

For that reason I will generally avoid these kinds of places.

For the time being though this is a good place to wait out the final few cold nights and plan for future travel.

On this occasion one takes the good with the bad.

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Off-Grid-Yuma-BLM-Bob Davis Podcast 1157

Civil-War-Echoes-Bob Davis Podcast 968

Civil War Echoes In North Carolina

First of all we don’t notice the echoes of the US Civil War most of the time. But they’re there. Especially in the American South. Hear those echoes in Civil-War-Echoes-Bob Davis Podcast 968.

Civil War

Secondly I’ve studied the Civil War and lived in the South.

Life Long Learner

Of course that doesn’t make me an authority on so called Southern Culture.

Many Reminders Of The War In The South

But if you are a thinking person and you travel through the south, you can’t help but notice many reminders of that war.

Mute Reminders of Struggle

Even more plaques by the side of the road serve as mute reminders of desperate struggle, death and loss.

Monuments To The Confederacy

Above all my own thoughts about why there are any monuments to the Confederacy manifested in real time.

Black Lives Matter Protest

I drove right into a Black Lives Matter protest in the nice little town of Graham, North Carolina.

Time To Stop!

Consequently I had to stop and record.

160 Years Later It Is Still Real

Civil-War-Echoes-Bob Davis Podcast 968 is a slice of the emotions that still smoulder in this country and especially in the South, one hundred sixty years later.

Peaceful Protest

Most importantly this was a peaceful protest on both sides. BLM, and the locals.

Monument To Common Confederate Soldier In Graham North Carolina

At issue is one of many monuments to the common confederate soldiers who perished in the war.

Glorifying Slavery or Celebrating Culture and Heritage

In short protesters say these kinds of monuments glorify a system based on slavery. Locals say it is their heritage and culture.

Thoughts Manifest In Real Time

Most importantly I did this podcast because I was struck at the resonance of a sudden real event and my thoughts.

Southern Culture Isn’t Just Pecan Pie and Cotton

In addition it is also a good time to say some things about what Southern Culture might actually be about.

The Civil War Still Hurts Us All

In short to wonder why a war that hurts us still, had to ever happen to begin with.

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Civil-War-Echoes-Bob Davis Podcast 968