Podcast 344

Foreign Policy In New Mexico. The negotiations with Iran are back at the top of the news. Taking a break from the road in The Mobile Podcast Command Unit 8, drinking coffee from the Flying J in Walter White’s Hometown. A quiet conversation about The President’s policy and negotiations with Iran, and what this president might leave the next. As the Iranians get just about everything they wanted, the Saudis, Jordanians, and Egypt talk about forming a joint command to address the Islamic State Threat. Again we find ourselves asking what the US Foreign Policy should be. Do any of the candidates on either side of the political spectrum have any ideas? Its seems as though they don’t. Meanwhile, while the media talks about domestic issues as the primary concerns of 2016, it’s very possible foreign issues could be the main focus, especially if things blow up before this President leaves office in January of 2017. And oh, a couple of side comments about road food, truck stops and travel. (Editor’s Note: This is the kind of stuff I sometimes like to talk about as soon as I wake up in the morning. I’m sitting in the RV Section at the Flying J in ABQ, drinking coffee and getting ready to roll on through New Mexico, onto Phoenix.Definitely having a blast!) And by the way, it’s spelled Albuquerque. And I did not see Walter White, Jessie Pinkman, or even Saul. Sponsored by Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul

Podcast 343

Kansas, Oklahoma and Texas. The Road Trip continues all the way to California. Usually I do not write these notes for each podcast in the first person, but I am writing this from a Starbucks in Amarillo, Texas. The WIFI is being very temperamental and it’s driving me nuts! This has been a long day of travel, and doing podcasts. This is the second of two podcasts for your weekend, and there will be two on Sunday. In this podcast I wanted to give you a flavor of what being on the road is like, where my mind wanders and what I have been thinking about. Being on the road definitely has the effect of allowing me to take a more philosophical tone on some of the issues we’re dealing with these days. I love being on the road, and I love the new Mobile Podcast Command vehicle. My sister calls it the Bob Mobile. My friend Margaret calls it the ‘Wambulance’. Ed Johnson at X Government Cars calls it the “Bob Cat”. Cruising south on I35, on through to Oklahoma City, then picked up I40 through western Oklahoma, and onto Texas. I’m sorry but I forgot I have to go through Texas. Then its on to New Mexico, into Phoenix for a few days by the pool, and then onto California. This isn’t all fun and games though. This shakedown cruise is all about learning how to use all these tools on the fly, and integrate them into the systems in the Mobile Command Unit. That way when we scramble for a real story, I should be able to do everything on the fly. At least that’s what I keep telling myself. Thanks for your support and interest. Having a riot! Sponsored by Baklund R & D

Podcast 342

Fighting City Hall. They say you can’t fight city hall and win, but residents of Invergrove Heights, Minnesota recently proved getting involved in your community has a big pay off. Unelected planning councils, county planning commissions, and other layers of local, regional and state government can sometimes be daunting. There are a lot of complaints about the heavy hand of government, and you often hear the words, “I would get involved but it never does any good anyway”. A group of residents in “InverGrove” as it is called, found out they were going to lose their homes through Eminent Domain Condemnation when they learned the county planned to build a 6 lane highway right on top of their homes. Homeowners gathered, organized, learned the details, suggesting solutions. Moreover, they learned to work together. Sometimes partisanship can be a great thing, but sometimes the ‘my way or the highway’ approach literally means, the highway. Learn how these people worked the system to a ‘win-win’, and how compromise isn’t always a dirty word. The question is whether this kind of approach can be applied to bigger problems in bigger cities; Invergrove Heights is a suburban city of about thirty two thousand people. The moral of the story? Faceless councils and bureaucrats make decisions for communities that are often simply guidelines, and they’re adopted because no one says anything. You can alter these plans if you get involved. Hear how they did it, in their own words. By the way, yes we can cover local stories from the road, this time in Amarillo, Texas! Sponsored by Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul