Podcast 81

With all the talk about Obama Care, opinion polls about the Healthcare.gov website and bickering, no one is talking about Foreign Policy. With the recent deal on Iranian nuclear capability, a purge in North Korea, the Syrian Civil War, unrest in the Ukraine and Egypt, China expanding, free trade deals pending there’s a lot to talk about when it comes to foreign affairs. The problem? Talk Radio program directors don’t want their hosts talking about Foreign Policy, and local pols say discussions about these concerns detract from the focus of electing state and local offices. But, what IS your congressional and senate candidate’s position on foreign affairs. Do republicans AND democrats have a relevant foreign policy for the future. This is a process and it starts with a lot of questions for you. Sponsored by Xgovernmentcars.com.

Podcast 78

Start your Monday off with a heads up on the big political stories this week. As we work our way toward Thanksgiving, everyone will be talking about Obama Care. Will Healthcare.gov get fixed by the end of November? A new poll shows the President’s approval ratings in trouble, in many key areas. What will the key issues of the 2014 election cycle be? What should the Republican strategy be? Can the Democrats salvage this. What are they already doing? Get ahead of this week’s news cycle now with Podcast 78! Sponsored by Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul.

Podcast 76

Lots of new economic news coming out. Many of the pundits and news outlets that predicted an economic slow down as the result of the government ‘shut down’ were shocked when the economy reportedly grew 2.8 percent, and unemployment continues to decrease. What IS going on with the economy? It’s been one of the themes, lately, on the Bob Davis Podcasts to avoid telling you what to think. I try to ask the right questions and detail some of the information I collect on a day to day basis, in the hope that it helps you figure things out. While everyone’s concerned about the Federal Reserve creating INflation, could it be they are creating DEflation? What would that mean for us? Sponsored by Baklund R&D, the problem solvers! www.baklund.com.