Podcast 137

Is Global Warming more important than Jobs and the Economy, or the crisis in Ukraine? The White House sure wants you to think so! A midweek update focuses on the issues that are most important; Jobs and the Economy, Business Formation, and the potential for the United States to be drawn into a serious conflict in Eastern Europe; A conflict nobody wants, certainly not the President. Is Obama a wash out? What about the President’s use of executive power to bend the law to his wishes, despite what congress passed? A new suggestion may have weight as long as the 2014 election comes out positive for Republicans. In future podcasts I’ll address the question of whether the Republicans are up to the job. A special feature in this podcast…A renown landscape architect gives us tips for getting our lawns, shrubs and flower beds ready for the growing season. Sponsored by Edelweissdesign.com

Podcast 130

A live call in Podcast via Skype. Getting listeners to The Bob Davis Podcasts to call in and share their views on the issues they care about. Carl calls in about gangs and crime in Chicago, Kathy talks about issues with the ACA and republican ‘messaging’ plus two fun calls from Texas, on the BLM land grab going on down there, Governor Rick Perry’s chances for a presidential run in 2016, and the current Texas Attorney General’s potential to be Governor. Getting in the habit of featuring these call in podcasts every now and then with notification on Twitter and Facebook prior, so that when a major story breaks, listeners will remember and know they’ll have an opportunity to share their views on the Bob Davis Podcasts. Sponsored by Baklund R&D


Podcast 128

Top Stories! Get updated on the week’s top stories. We’re getting back on the horse after Easter weekend. My take on the Bundy Ranch Standoff? More than a tax issue, this is a political corruption issue. Continuing to watch Eastern Ukraine for signs of trouble, as the ‘Geneva Accord’ looks more and more like Munich! Or, maybe August 1914. Maybe it’s just eclipse energy! Democrats have been told to stop saying ‘recovery’ … Why? There goes Pope Francis again, popping off about ‘Free Markets’ and all the damage they cause. Plus, updates on where I’ll be speaking next in the Minneapolis-Saint Paul Metro. Sponsored by Plan Vision. Simple, Smart and Focused