Podcast 236

At Peace With The News Cycle. When frustration with the news cycle sets in, the Doctor recommends a News Cleanse, and then sparing reintegration of the daily rush of the Video Game we know as the News Cycle. Or Cartoon. Whatever you wish. Once you have gone through this cycle rinse and repeat as necessary. Suddenly we’re either in a news rich environment, or the news has become more interesting, in reality. In any case, in the rush to create fantasy story lines about two big stories these days; Ebola and Election 2014, there are other things going on people are missing. First, we have all been subjected to the proselytizing Vegetarian, or worse; the evangelistic Vegan. A new study reveals that the pale, thin wrested Vegan down at the coop, may have less sperm and sperm that swim slower than meat eaters. So take heart those of you who enjoy tearing the seared flesh from the bones of dead animals, you will have more kids than the Vegans. Still worried about Ebola? Columbia University Scientists have discovered the rats in the public transit tunnels of New York City are teeming with viruses and other infections science didn’t even know existed, and worse, that these may have already been passed on to humans. For those following the 2014 election, a new Politico Poll shows 65 percent of Americans believe the country is ‘out of control’. That’s the good news. If you want to hear the bad news, read the open ended responses as to why Americans say these things. We have met the enemy … and he is us. U2 recently was so excited about their new album they decided to give it away, by forcing it onto millions of iTunes subscribers’ libraries. Frontman Bono says they ‘got a little carried away’ … this may qualify as one of the great understatements of the year. (Editor’s Note: I do not want ten crappy U2 songs showing up with my music, which has been carefully curated over the years, and contains no U2!) HBO has announced it will create its own streaming service ‘like Netflix’ later this year. Hopefully this means we can actually get Showtime and HBO shows as they come out rather than having to wait for them, or spend half on the night with support in order to watch Showtime Anytime. Everyone should read the New Yorker’s interview with Marc Andreessen, the creator of Netscape … years ago. Andreeson’s take on technology and politics is important for people who are trying to get a handle on what’s going on these days. We’re at the very beginning of a revolution that, despite what the naysayers believe, will have equal significance in human history to the industrial revolution. And, it won’t follow a schedule or Republican or Democrat political ‘rules’. In fact this revolution, like all revolutions comes in fits and starts and is from time to time chaotic. Whether it is additive manufacturing, empowering individuals to start their own businesses and transform their lives, or comes in the form of portable hydrogen power generators, or portable fusion reactors, driverless cars, on demand entertainment and information, or dissemination of high quality education and training, autonomous machines and software, robotics or just basic IT, batten down the hatches, but read this interview with Andreessen. And, finally, a recipe. Yes. It involves meat. Sponsored by Baklund R&D

Podcast 234

Market Plunge. If it wasn’t for Ebola, this week’s Market Plunge would be the top story and we’d all be talking about it. Was it really less than a month ago that President Obama said the market and economy had come roaring back? And this week the market gave back all the gains so far of 2014. Will it come back. Analysts aren’t so sure. As the rest of the economies in the world contract, all hope was placed in US economic growth which the fantasy world created by the media hyped. Bad retail sales numbers this week dashed those hopes. Meanwhile the world’s governments and central banks that depend on inflation to wipe away debts, are very concerned about disinflation turning into deflation. Are lower commodity prices a good sign, or a bad sign? In the final analysis, the US economy will probably not be enough to act as a counterweight to fading growth in the Euro Zone and China, even with lower commodity prices. The worry on Wall Street? Faltering demand among consumers. Surprise! While the President touts economic ‘recovery’ the number of Americans on SNAP benefits (in other words Food Stamps) skyrockets, the clearest indication yet that the newly employed are in low wage part time jobs, and those out of the work force may stay out as long as government programs pay them to. Not a good combination, and certainly not one that indicates dynamic growth. What’s going on? Steve Forbes has five suggestions that are pretty good. The upshot? We’re a long way from the kinds of radical reforms that will change the scope, cost and size of the Federal Government and get things back on track. It isn’t gridlock causing the problems, its the people. It’s our politics. How do we put away creaky old Keynesian concepts moderate Republicans, democrats and progressives have championed going back to the New Deal? How do we cut away regulation, spending and taxation and reduce government power, so that new decentralizing technologies can empower the individual to innovate, generate tomorrow’s successes, and power the US out of the malaise we find ourselves in? Yes, there are Republicans afraid of radical change just as there are democrats afraid to reduce the size and power of government. We have to stop expecting creativity, innovation and entrepreneurial instincts from politicians. News Flash! Your congressman is not Steve Jobs. Not by a long shot. Some ideas to consider when thinking about the other major story chronicling the failure of ‘big government’ these days; The economy. Sponsored by Depotstar

Podcast 223

Afternoon Is The New Morning. Doing a podcast upon awakening. Drinking morning coffee at 3PM. Completely normal for a nocturnal creative worker, very unusual for people who work during the day. As advertising interest in the podcasts grow, and we add clients, it means more podcasts. More podcasts means experimenting with doing more podcasts in a shorter time frame. Podcast 223 ends the month of September. Answering email and commenting on the comments on Thebobdavispodcasts.com, while drying clothes! It’s daytime in the broadcast bunker. Great comments about starting and running your own business, changing thought patterns, and a message of hope for the future. Also on the ‘Road’ podcasts; Still getting a lot of positive reaction to the podcasts done during September’s big road trip from Minneapolis to Chicago, from Chicago to Phoenix, and back to Minnie. As we head into the final stretch of ‘Election 2014’, and The Bob Davis Podcasts, begins coverage of the political races in earnest, a comment stating a preference for political ‘red meat’, and a request for more. And finally a request to talk about weight-loss. (It seems self indulgent for me to talk about my own weight loss, but I’ll share my story). Plus, a new way to refer to podcasts, morning routines, morning radio, body clocks, how to become a night person, beef jerky and coffee in the morning. And, a clarification on the discussions about donations for the Bob Davis Podcast Van. Sponsored by Baklund R & D