Sunny Lohmann – Podcast 454

Sunny Lohmann. Political Humorist Sunny joins the Bob Davis Podcasts with an announcement about a new You Tube effort, plus  the top stories catching her attention. Sunny announces a new You Tube channel, details at House of Sunny TV. From the mass attack on women in Germany, by ‘Middle Eastern’ and ‘East African’ men which appears to have been coordinated, to the rancher dispute in Oregon and the occupation of a federal government wildlife facility in the middle of nowhere, Sunny’s got game. From there it’s onto Guns! Guns! Guns! The President’s executive orders on gun control and what they mean, and discussion of crime and firearm statistics. Almost all of these numbers are fertile ground for political activists and point of view journalists, as well as presidents, as witnessed by President Obama’s recent CNN ‘Town Hall’ meeting on gun control. According to Sunny, one of the things point of view researchers do is lump firearm suicides and incidents where law abiding citizens have defended themselves and property with firearms, with mass shootings. Moreover, the question of whether to include a terror incident which includes a mass shooting such as San Bernardino, with other types of mass shooting events is usually never addressed by commentators … but it is here. Do ‘conservatives’ in the United States need another enemy? Sunny and Bob react to a nationally syndicated columnist and talk show hosts call for ‘statism’ to become the ‘new philosophical enemy’ of ‘conservatives’. Sounds like another opportunity for a talk show host to sell books and to gin up more outrage. Bob and Sunny also talk about life, raising children and visits to the Golden State; California, where Sunny lives. Surprisingly enough both agree, “It’s beautiful there.” Sponsored by Pride of Homes and Luke Team Real Estate and Hydrus Performance.

Podcast 451

New Years Podcast 2015 and Heartfelt Thanks. Big thank you’s to listeners, clients and people who have helped me develop the Bob Davis Podcasts along the way. As I review all the podcasts for 2015 I am a little surprised at the breadth and depth of podcasting content. It’s also interesting to note the metamorphosis I’ve gone through, starting with the News Cleanse in the summer of 2014, through to content that reflects more of what is going on in my mind just beneath the surface. The need to go deeper, both personally and on the issues, rather than to chronicle the daily outrage machine has become a hallmark of these podcasts. Add to that the new mobility enabled with Mobile Podcast Command and you have the wrinkles added to these podcasts in 2015. Its hard to believe we started 2015 back in January with Podcast 284 talking about the ‘Polar Vortex’ and end 2015 with podcast 451, which focuses on the lessons of small business, content creation and entrepreneurship. First to thank the clients of The Bob Davis Podcasts, who have become more than clients, but advisors and mentors. Then to family and friends who have provided support in so many ways including my son – who recently appeared on the podcasts with his own content creation effort – and the General Manager of the Podcasts; My Mom. Finally to the subscribers, listeners and contributors to the Bob Davis Podcasts. As I review the podcasts I hope my goal of going deeper on issues with interviews, ‘study pieces’, coverage of the 2016 election cycle that takes you inside events, New Thinking, Walk and Talk Podcasts and talk about the issues that matter to you, the audio book and new radio show, pays off on the promise of what podcasting can be. Thanks each and every one of you for supporting this effort in 2015. Here’s to us doing great things in 2016. Sponsored by X Government Trucks and Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul.

Podcast 440

New Radio Show. In a freewheeling discussion on Saturday night about talk radio, media and creativity, the new Bob Davis Podcasts Radio Show on the Genesis Communications Network is announced. The Bob Davis Podcasts are content rich, so taking some of that content and reproducing it into a one hour weekly show available on the Westwood Satellite for radio stations, is a new idea. From here we talk about the current state of talk radio and media, as well as what’s planned for next year at The Bob Davis Podcasts. Some of the people who listen to these podcasts are interested in ‘behind the scenes’ stuff in radio. While there isn’t going to be any dirt thrown in this podcast, there is discussion about the fact that broadcast media, as well as some of the older style cable news channels really aren’t serving viewers and listeners anymore. It seems more and more as though the job of talkers is to get people angry and upset, or to gin up longer listening spans by talking about nothing, using emotional content in the worst sort of way. One of the things podcasters learn right away is, there is a lot more content in a half-hour podcast than you’ll ever hear in an hour on the radio or on cable TV News, and certainly in an hour of television news. What’s also surprising is the realization that being in business for yourself, and building the business, is sometimes more fun and engaging that actually doing the podcasts. Podcasting itself – while not brand new – is brand new to most people, especially for those long time talk radio listeners who find themselves with nothing to listen to. A new medium means new opportunities for business, which can be very exciting. The New Bob Davis Podcast Radio Show will feature content from the podcasts, which should become very dense after February 1st, as we begin official coverage of election 2016, by covering the Iowa Caucuses and then a grand trip through Mid South Super Tuesday States, to South Carolina (third in the nation primary state), Georgia, Florida, Louisiana, Texas and north back to the Twin Cities. Of course, the podcasts will continue right here at Watch this space for links and specifics regarding the new Bob Davis Podcasts Radio Show. Sponsored by Pride of Homes and Luke Team Real Estate, Hydrus, and Baklund R&D