Podcast 348

Freelance Nation. Live from Los Angeles, California on Road Trip 2015! First, an update on the trip to LA from Phoenix. All the way from the desert to the sea. With a massive Orwellian wind farm in between. If wind power accounts for around one percent of all energy production in the US (effectively zero worldwide), does it make sense to subsidize an industry and ruin a perfectly good valley? We leave the news updates for another time, in this podcast, Los Angeles is home to the entertainment industry and there are 13 and a half million people living here, sometimes it seems like no one works. Almost everyone is always home! In reality, many work on projects at home, or freelance different jobs. You see a lot of people in the coffee shops, seemingly wasting time, but usually they’re working. One of those freelancers talked to the Bob Davis Podcasts about getting started on the production side of the TV, Commercial and Film business. You hear from a lot of actors on this subject, but not very often from production people; the people who work behind the scenes on some of your favorite shows and movies. Most of them start freelancing, at the bottom. What’s freelancing all about? Moreover, can this model of freelancing — something Angelenos working in the entertainment business have been doing for decades — be the model for how work gets assigned and done, in the future? This is an especially pertinent question given the advent of new technology. Of course, we’re live from Mobile Podcast Command Unit 8, using the brand new power unit, thanks to X Government Cars

Podcast 347

Summertime in Scottsdale. At least that it was feels like if you’re from the upper midwest, for Arizonans this is just the beginning of the heat, but it sure feels good to a boy from the Midwest, after winter. The second of two podcasts for your Wednesday from the Shore Powered Mobile Podcast Command Unit 8. From time to time its a good idea to just sit down in the studio and wing it. Sometimes a lot of effort goes into doing podcasts that are news, or topic oriented. March was a taxing month for The Bob Davis Podcasts, as we cold hardly wait to get our hot little hands on the brand new remote broadcast truck. Response has been great and as capabilities are brought up to speed, the podcasts are going to become more and more fun. In this podcast, a behind the scenes look at the struggle to get Unit 8 up and running through the month and get on the road, before having to return before April 25th, when Bob Davis is scheduled to speak to the SD48 Republicans at the Chanhassen Dinner Theater. We may roll up the night before, fresh from Cali, and camp out at the theater, preparing for the big speech. Actually a lot of good discussion in this podcast about work ethic, how we learn to work, and how we work. And a lesson in patience for Bob Davis. And, an opportunity for sponsorships of the Remote Podcast Command Unit 8. Sponsored by Ryan Plumbing of Saint Paul. 

Podcast 314

Global Warming Hot Air. The ‘Climate Change Community’ thanks Brian Williams for making up stories, stealing coverage from what could be the biggest scandal in scientific history; It appears the US Government has been cooking the books when it comes to temperature data. Actual temperatures posted from weather stations in Paraguay, Northern Canada and Siberia have been altered (gasp) to show higher readings…for years. A midwinter meltdown would ensue, if this story was actually taken up by the news machine, but they’re too busy with Dirty Laundry from Brian Williams right now. Meanwhile billions of dollars are being spent on wind and solar, and electric car subsidies. Not to mention the legislative roadblock ordered up by Obama Crony Warren Buffett on the Keystone pipeline, due to concerns the EPA has over its environmental ‘impact’. Carbon Credits anyone? Hot Air indeed. More bad news for the IRS and for taxpayers. Thousands of taxpayer numbers and social security numbers have been hacked, and have been used by hackers to file early returns. People are discovering the problem when they file their taxes and get the message, “Your return has already been processed”. The actual taxpayer then has to go through the process of ‘proving’ to the IRS that they have been the victim of identity theft. This, with an agency that is so poorly run they don’t answer the phone, or even respond to letters, and sometimes when they do, they get confused. Solution? Give them more money. Oh Hell No! The solution is a new tax system that does away with the byzantine tax code and the poster child for government inefficiency; The Internal Revenue Non Service. Minnesota Governor Mark Dayton has kicked up a firestorm after giving his commissioners huge raises. The head of the unelected Met Council now earns well over one hundred thousand dollars a year. Other commissioners will make as much as $155,000 a year. Dayton says these people need this money to take care of their families. Keep in mind the average Minnesotan earns somewhere around forty eight thousand dollars a year, with no pension. State employees can double dip pensions, and their pension is based on their income. Remember, taxpayers pay their salary and fund their pensions. Governor Dayton catches a break though. It was revealed this week that the average dock worker on the west coast earns $147,000 a year, plus benefits paid by the employer and an eighty thousand dollar a year pension. What’s in your wallet? Sponsored by Baklund R & D