#Nomadlife-#Vanlife-Not-Pretty-Bob Davis Podcast 1051

#Nomadlife and #Vanlife Not Pretty?

Firstly the snobs and scolds have suddenly discovered #Nomadlife and #Vanlife are not pretty. Is this true? Let’s discuss in #Nomadlife-#Vanlife-Not-Pretty-Bob Davis Podcast 1051.

Podcast Series

Secondly this is the second podcast for me on the growing backlash to nomad life. The other podcast is here.

Success Breeds Contempt

Above all this new attitude about hitting the road is the result of the success of that kind of sentiment.


Certainly there are challenges.

But Rewarding

However it remains very rewarding for those who have the yen for travel and adventure.

Two Weeks Is Not The Nomad Experience

Moreover renting a van for a couple of weeks and writing about it isn’t what the experience is all about.

All Kinds Of People

For example I’ve met all kinds of people with a variety of reasons for choosing the nomad life.

Slab City

In addition another reporter has now done an ‘expose’ on Slab City. My podcast on the nomad mecca is here

Surface Observations

Most importantly surface observations are deceptive out here in the land of the nomad.

Inaccurate Assumptions

Even more they lead to incorrect assumptions about what’s really going on.

Rejecting American Dream Scares People

In the same vein I think there’s something about rejecting life back in the world that frightens some.

Yes It’s Hard

To clarify life as a nomad can be challenging.

There are setbacks and problems, just like in every walk of life.

Finally as I like to say, nobody said it would be easy.


To sum up I would say much of the so called #vanlife and #nomadlife backlash is because of its success.

Social Media

For example Instagram and other social media posts and content.

Distorted Picture

In short the success of this life on social media has presented a distorted picture of how great it is.

There Are Many Moments

But I have certainly had moments which are great.

Something Going On

In conclusion there’s something going on in America.

Search For A New American Dream

Certainly many are rejecting the so called American Dream.

Why is it a problem if they want to hit the road in search of a new dream?

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#Nomadlife-#Vanlife-Not-Pretty-Bob Davis Podcast 1051



Nomadland-Goes-Hollywood-Chic-Bob Davis Podcast 1037

Nomadland Goes Hollywood Chic

Firstly it sure looks like Nomadland Goes Hollywood Chic these days. Learn more in Nomadland-Goes-Hollywood-Chic-Bob Davis Podcast 1037.


Certainly if you want advice there’s no shortage of gurus on YouTube.

What About The Experience

However if you want to know what the experience of nomad life is about there’s not much on that.

It’s Complicated

Above all it may just be such a complicated subject no one wants to tackle it.

Your Experience May Vary

On the other hand the nomad experience depends on the individual.

Hard To Pin It Down

For that reason it’s difficult to pin down what the experience is all about.

Yeah But What About The Experience

In fact another nomad made that specific point the other day.

Nomadland-Goes-Hollywood-Chic-Bob Davis Podcast 1037

Therefore I decided to do this podcast.

Out Of One…Many

Most importantly there’s as many different experiences as there are nomads.

Lots Of Tribes

For example there’s weekend warriors, people in their cars, hippies in buses and Van Life people.

Not Like The Movie

And even more people with varying degrees of resources with almost any kind of rig you can imagine. But it’s not all like the movie.

Something’s Going On

Moreover there’s something going on.

Back In The World

That is to say there’s something going to back in the world, as I like to say.


Maybe it’s because of fear.

Life Is Not Guaranteed Anymore

And the feeling suddenly that life is not the guarantee it once was.

Damn The Torpedoes

I think many have decided damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead.


During that process they pull a switch that ignited a passion to live.

Life and Experience

After that a desire to experience.

It’s not for everyone.

Now A Thing

However this is becoming a thing.

Dirt Under The Fingernails is Chic?

Even more, two words that come to mind are chic and Hollywood.

Please Don’t Call It A Movement

Finally I hope this doesn’t become a ‘movement’.

With leaders and followers.

Certainly I have been talking about that off and on for several podcasts.

Nomad Conversation

Because the subject comes up in normal nomad conversation out here.


Meanwhile it is an individual experience.

No right way to do it.

Testing One, Two, Three

Therefore I’ll try again to see if I can define the experience.

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Nomadland-Goes-Hollywood-Chic-Bob Davis Podcast 1037