#Nomadlife-#Vanlife-Not-Pretty-Bob Davis Podcast 1051

#Nomadlife and #Vanlife Not Pretty?

Firstly the snobs and scolds have suddenly discovered #Nomadlife and #Vanlife are not pretty. Is this true? Let’s discuss in #Nomadlife-#Vanlife-Not-Pretty-Bob Davis Podcast 1051.

Podcast Series

Secondly this is the second podcast for me on the growing backlash to nomad life. The other podcast is here.

Success Breeds Contempt

Above all this new attitude about hitting the road is the result of the success of that kind of sentiment.


Certainly there are challenges.

But Rewarding

However it remains very rewarding for those who have the yen for travel and adventure.

Two Weeks Is Not The Nomad Experience

Moreover renting a van for a couple of weeks and writing about it isn’t what the experience is all about.

All Kinds Of People

For example I’ve met all kinds of people with a variety of reasons for choosing the nomad life.

Slab City

In addition another reporter has now done an ‘expose’ on Slab City. My podcast on the nomad mecca is here

Surface Observations

Most importantly surface observations are deceptive out here in the land of the nomad.

Inaccurate Assumptions

Even more they lead to incorrect assumptions about what’s really going on.

Rejecting American Dream Scares People

In the same vein I think there’s something about rejecting life back in the world that frightens some.

Yes It’s Hard

To clarify life as a nomad can be challenging.

There are setbacks and problems, just like in every walk of life.

Finally as I like to say, nobody said it would be easy.


To sum up I would say much of the so called #vanlife and #nomadlife backlash is because of its success.

Social Media

For example Instagram and other social media posts and content.

Distorted Picture

In short the success of this life on social media has presented a distorted picture of how great it is.

There Are Many Moments

But I have certainly had moments which are great.

Something Going On

In conclusion there’s something going on in America.

Search For A New American Dream

Certainly many are rejecting the so called American Dream.

Why is it a problem if they want to hit the road in search of a new dream?

Sponsored by Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul

#Nomadlife-#Vanlife-Not-Pretty-Bob Davis Podcast 1051



Podcast 606-“My Personal State Of The Union Message”

Media Event

US Presidents must report to Congress “from time to time” as required by the US Constitution. President Washington delivered the first state of the union message in person. Most presidents literally mailed it in after Washington. In Podcast 606-“My Personal State Of The Union Message”.

Shifting Focus Podcast 606-“My Personal State Of The Union Message”

Think Oscars. White House Correspondents dinner. Events made for the media. Perfect time for me to share in Podcast 606-My State Of The Union Message. A year of travel resulted in an increasing interest in the business of my business. In Podcast 606-“My Personal State Of The Union Message” I talk about how my focus has shifted.


Experts tell entrepreneurs to focus. Have a clear idea of what you want to accomplish. They don’t say how much you’ll learn about yourself. How much you’ll change along the way. Starting a business is a process of self discovery. Working for ‘the man’ can cause needless worry about what happens if you make a mistake.

Good News

Every day is a new challenge. When you’re the boss all the good and bad things accrue directly to you. I am much more interested now in building a dynamic and creative business to provide resources for me to do the things I am passionate about doing. A business that serves clients and the audience. My business allows me to change and be more creative.

Breaking Free

Untethering has become my new passion. Selling everything. Getting rid of the house and car. Hitting the road. Staying on the road. Business consultants who travel all the time are doing it. Vagabonds have been doing it for years. The objective is to cover news stories as they happen and find interesting people and places to visit and talk about.

Live Your Passion

The State of The Union Message is an opportunity to talk politics. It’s also an opportunity to examine our own lives over the past year or so. Are we living our passion? Doing what we love? Sharing the passion with business associates, family and friends?

Sponsored by Brush Studio in the West End and Hydrus Performance.