Podcast 434

Coffee by The Fire. It’s finally starting to feel like October in the upper midwest with temperatures dropping, leaves falling and scudding grey clouds. The days are shorter, the nights longer, and that means its time for a podcast, with coffee, by the fire in the Broadcast Bunker. In podcast time, this is being posted on a Friday. The last week or so has been a rush of technical issues, crazy political stories, parties, lunches, client calls, late night discussions about everything under the sun, and reading a lot of news. Sometimes it’s good to just sit down in front of the microphone and do a podcast. All the ‘podcast manuals’ say you’re supposed to ‘know what you’re going to talk about’. Years of experience in talk radio taught me that sometimes the best thing to do is walk into the studio with no notes, no paper, and nothing in mind. In this podcast I talk a little about my current love-hate relationship with politics and media, media coverage of politics, review the technology issues I have been having lately, present a on-the-spot theory about social disruptions caused by operating system updates pushed out to your computer (Editor’s note: Say no, unless you know all the implications of updating your computer’s operating system.) Anyone ever say to you, “People are acting weird today”? Maybe its because there’s a rolling effect from all the updates blowing out people’s phone apps, peripherals and generally messing with us. What will happen when someday driverless cars, autonomous machines, androids, robot manufacturing and remote controlled bulldozers update and just stop? Hiring people to monitor all that stuff and keep systems operating might – gasp – actually create jobs! Finally, a discussion of the joys of being in business for yourself and how weird it is for a ‘creative’ type to be enthralled with the business side of his business. Welcoming Hydrus as a sponsor to the Bob Davis Podcasts and sponsored by X Government Trucks

Podcast 257

Weekend Update. Extreme weather in Buffalo, New York drops at least 6 feet of snow; more in one day than they get all year, and that’s extreme, even for a place like Buffalo. This weekend the Bills have to play in Detroit due to the snow. Speaking of Football Stadiums. Minnesota has one of the worst professional sports stadium deals in the country. That is, Minnesota taxpayers will pay a larger share of the new Vikings Stadium than taxpayers in other states pay for theirs. Imagine Vikings fans surprise when they learned from The Minneapolis Tribune, the Vikings will pay a larger share for ‘their’ stadium. How much? A little more than half a million dollars. Yeah. Kudos to the Star-Tribune for providing the people of Minneapolis-Saint Paul and the state of Minnesota with a free ad for the Minnesota Vikings. We’d like to see them pay a lot more, like about 600 MILLION more, but that will never happen thanks to so called fiscally responsible republicans in the state legislature who did the stadium deal back in the day. Minnesota Senator Al Franken is all up in Uber’s grill because of comments made by an executive of the company ‘threatening’ a ‘journalist’ — and revealing the company keeps electronic records of all their clients’ travels. The Senator wrote an angry letter to the company demanding to know whether it is keeping data, confidential. Isn’t it nice, with all the other issues; immigration, Keystone, and War, the Senator found time to stand up for a journalist. By the way, that little ‘I Agree’ button is something he might want to take a look at. And speaking of parasitic capitalists: When Tesla’s Elon Musk isn’t profiting from energy subsidies or selling carbon credits to his direct competitors, he’s braying about artificial intelligence and how it will destroy humanity. Always good for positive media coverage from reporters who don’t know what AI is anyway. But the Japanese are forging ahead with FEMBOTS! Soon they will be receptionists, TV presenters, even companions! And Japan doesn’t care if they take over, since everyone is too old to work there. Then there is Bill Cosby. While the media acts as judge, and jury it is important to remember Cosby has never been charged, or convicted of anything. Is it ok that the media gets to decide whether someone is a rapist, murderer or thief? What about spy? Just sayin’. Finally some thoughts about work. More people these days are leaving corporate america to start their own small businesses. Never before have the tools been better for amplifying the individual.  With as much as 13 percent of the work force is checking out of the cubicle, into their own businesses who can blame them? Working for most of today’s corporations is nothing but drudgery and people are getting sick of it. What will the future company look like, and how will people work for them? Sponsored by Depotstar


Podcast 111 – Weekend Edition

The Bob Davis Podcasts Weekend Edition! Spring is coming! Business news gives us a warning about the direction of the economy, China, the New Cold War’s potential economic impact, Obama Care, Florida’s 13th Congressional District special election and more and a great rant about Republicans who want to tax the Internet. Republicans! And they wonder what is wrong. Plus some great stories from this week’s news, and comments about certain state parasites – I mean politicians – running for the US Senate in Minnesota. Sponsored by XGovernmentcars.com, now with Mustangs!