Podcast 169

I remember. This summer is so amazing for me, it’s triggering all kinds of memories from different parts of my childhood. So, I decided to share some of my memories from back in the day, from staring up at the clouds, to playing on the train platforms, to sneaking out and running around the neighborhood in the middle of the night. Summer in all its glory. Plus some outtakes, after several attempts to share these very personal memories on a very windy summer day. Great for the trip to the lake for the July 4th weekend, or late night. Sponsored by Edelweiss Design

Podcast 145

Revolution? Really? Some people in America today have started to call for a revolution, and talk openly about how it would be great if it was peaceful, but ok if it was bloody. This is something that has to be addressed. In my view this is one of the most infantile, uninformed, and ignorant ‘movements’ — if you can call it that — in the American political experience today. What do our fathers and mothers and grandparents have to teach us about the adversity they lived through in the 30’s and 40’s, 50’s and 60’s and the 1970’s? They learned to work together, because the nation’s survival depended on it. How sad that some of the sons and daughters of the ‘greatest generation’ want to take their toys home and demand revolution … a revolution the young people of today will have to fight. Is this what you really want? Sponsored by Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul

Podcast 22

In the middle of the third season of Madmen, coverage of the show was at its peak. It’s still great, in my opinion, but here are my observations about the show in 2009. Here’s a national award Barack Obama did NOT win. Ask.com’s most influential men of 2009? Don Draper. A person who does not exist. Can Don lead us out of the valley of mediocrity?
