Disaster Predicting Future-Titanic-World War I-Bob Davis Podcast 790

More time to think during the holiday season spurs some strange ideas for podcasts. A disaster and a new movie form the basis for Disaster Predicting Future-Titanic-World War I-Bob Davis Podcast 790.

The Titanic

April 15th 1912 was the date of one of the best known disasters in history. Only two years later World War One began.

Moreover did the Titanic disaster predict World War One?

They Shall Not Grown Old

Especially relevant is a new movie in limited release by Peter Jackson. “They Shall Not Grow Old” features digitally enhanced film and audio. The result is a stunning film that brings the world of one hundred years ago to life. Hear Jackson talk about the movie in Disaster Predicting Future-Titanic-World War I-Bob Davis Podcast 790.

Unseen and Multiple Causes of Disaster

First of all the causes of disasters are almost always multiple and elusive. A coal bunker fire, inferior steel and an iceberg brought down the Titanic. Also poor leadership, the industrial revolution and secret alliances were just some of the causes of a disastrous war.

Europe Was The Ship That Could Not Sink

Most noteworthy the Elite of Europe seemed invincible in August of 1914. Europe was the ship that could not sink. By 1918, economies were destroyed. Kings abdicated. Great Britain never recovered its financial losses as the result of the first world war. Learn more in Disaster Predicting Future-Titanic-World War I-Bob Davis Podcast 790.

Complex Dangers

I believe disasters can be predictive because they reveal complex dangers we may not see.

Disaster Predicting Future-Titanic-World War I-Bob Davis Podcast 790 simply asks questions. Is the power structure in our world an elite similar to the European elite one hundred years ago? What kinds of new technologies harbor hidden dangers?

What Do We Not See?

Finally what are we not seeing that can lead to a major turning point in history?

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Disaster Predicting Future-Titanic-World War I-Bob Davis Podcast 790



Podcast 383 – Emmer on Trade

Emmer on Trade. Live from the Nation’s Capital, Washington DC, where it’s all about free trade authority. To talk about it with the Bob Davis Podcasts, Congressman Tom Emmer left the Cannon House Office building, walked a couple of blocks, to where the Mobile Podcast Command Unit was parked. He is the first official interview in the Podcast Mobile Command Unit. At issue, votes for three measures constituting fast track trade authority for President Obama on Pacific nations, not including China. Opposition to this package of bills being considered takes two forms; Some Republicans don’t want to grant this president any more authority, especially when considering his pen and love for overstepping pesky things like the constitution. Democrats oppose because they believe this trade deal will hurt American workers, and American jobs. Tom’s take is, this package of bills, particularly the TPA (Trans Pacific Trade Authority) actually limits the president’s unilateral authority, at least when it comes to congress, which is one of the reasons he supports the legislation. Are you a trade protectionist, or a free trader? What are the benefits, drawbacks of each position? Do you think a president should be given ‘fast track’ authority to negotiate these deals, considering the possibility for this president, or future president’s to include initiatives that could actually hurt the country, a concern for everyone regardless of where they ‘lean’ on the political spectrum. If you speak in political circles you’re going to hear “They shipped all our jobs to China” more than once from democrats and republicans. While IT, higher labor costs have been factors in company’s decisions to outsource and have cost American jobs, some say the country is much better off economically with free trade, than trying to protect American jobs. China itself (not a part of this trade deal by the way) has already eliminated millions of jobs with IT. Millions more jobs will be lost even more technology is installed in the coming years. What’s effected American jobs the most? Poor economic growth. Another factor in pushing this agreement is the idea that American soft power (trade and diplomatic relationships) is what we should be developing, because its less costly than troops and ships and weapons systems. But without so called hard power, is soft power possible to sustain? Apparently a congressmen some consider to be conservative thinks so. Sponsored by Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul. (Editor’s Note: You don’t often see congressmen come to media on a backstreet behind the Cannon Office Building, and I want to personally thank Tom Emmer for doing so.)