Podcast 93

Greetings from the coldest city in North America! Minneapolis-Saint Paul. Podcast 93 is about the January doldrums. Greed on Wall Street, France’s Socialist President becomes a Supply Sider, Tall White Aliens control America, Europe dumps Carbon controls for Fracking as the US is putting their refineries out of business and more. Much more. A trip through Bob Davis’ weekend reading ‘grabs’ sets you up for the week. Sponsored by Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul.

Podcast 90

This may be the ultimate ‘slash and burn’ podcast. From making coffee, bacon and eggs at the broadcast bunker, to traveling the icy backroads of rural Minnesota on the ‘coldest day of the 21st Century’. A live talk at Baklund R&D in Hutchinson, Minnesota covering a breadth and depth of topics. From the media’s terrible reporting of the current ‘Polar Vortex’ and its ‘economic impact’ to inequality, the media’s overuse of polls to tell us what ‘we’re’ thinking, to China and the Middle East and Oil, organic produce and much, much more. Sponsored by Baklund R & D. Check them out here www.baklund.com.

Podcast 83

Cold enough for ya? Wind Chill is not the real temperature, people! It’s cold, but it’s not the end of the world. Join Bob Davis for a little snow shoveling, a walk outside in the winter wonderland, coffee, and a fireside chat on what is being touted as ‘The Coldest Night Of 2013’. After a visit from an overwrought Santa, Bob talks about why Saint Paul can’t clear its streets of snow and ice, whether or not sand is better than salt, and the teachable moment of the inability of municipalities and states to clear a little snow and ice! This is the North people! And well talk about republican moderates and the upcoming budget battle in Washington. Finally, a prediction for the democrat talking points in the 2014 election cycle. Welcoming a new sponsor to the Bob Davis Podcasts: www.taxtiger.com.