Nomadland-Reaction-Review-Bob Davis Podcast 992

Nomadland Reaction and Review

Above all I am not a movie critic but I am a nomad and I did see the movie Nomadland, so here’s my reaction and review. Learn more by listening to Nomadland-Reaction-Review-Bob Davis Podcast 992.

Have You Seen It?

In addition my listeners want to know if I’ve seen Nomadland.

Not An Action Movie

First of all we’re drowning in an ocean of super action hero movies.

It’s Real And That’s Why It’s Great

Therefore it’s easy to see why Nomadland is winning so many awards.

Did I Say Real?

Firstly this is a movie about a very real topic.

American Workers Crisis

Companies that disappear. Workers who are thrown away and forgotten.


Secondly some people struggle with grief, loss and other issues.

Forced Into Nomad Life or Freedom?

Consequently I can be forgiven for thinking the main character in Nomadland is ‘forced’ into life as a nomad.

However not everyone agrees with my assessment.

How Do You Do it?

In addition I often get questions from people about “how I do it”.

Cue The Raised Eyebrows from Dad

Furthermore Nomadland will only intensify raised eyebrows and questions of concern.

Certainly the movie got that right.

Life With No Tether

I’ve already discussed life with no tether.

Not Instagram

In short let’s just say Nomadland isn’t the movie version of the Instagram Van Life feed.

To sum up that is why it’s a great movie.

Real Nomads

Most of the people in Nomadland are real nomads.

Life Doesn’t Pack Neatly Into A Box

And there are elements about their lives and experiences that aren’t neatly wrapped up in a box

We Don’t All Have Brand New Sprinter Vans

Or summed up in that Instagram pic of that young sun kissed blonde woman and her boyfriend taking a shower on the back of their one hundred thousand dollar Sprinter Van.

Bureau Of Land Management Camping Isn’t Yellowstone

Even more let’s not forget the golden sunset on gorgeous beaches and fantastic vegan meal spreads.

Sense Of Freedom

But the movie gets the sense of freedom right.

Your Experience May Vary

In conclusion Nomadland is not every nomad’s experience.

My truck is heated.

Pan frying steaks is my specialty. Obviously I eat meat. Not soup out of a can.

I don’t use a bucket.

This nomad gets along just fine in truck stops.

Diesel #2 is pretty awesome fuel.

A New Trend

Finally mobile workers and a nomad lifestyle may be the coming thing for many reasons.

If you’re considering it don’t let the movie scare you away.

Sponsored by Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul

Nomadland-Reaction-Review-Bob Davis Podcast 992



Podcast 428 – Twila Brase

Twila Brase. A hybrid ‘double header’ podcast, from the road. First, a promised airing of the interview with Twila Brase, co founder of Citizens Council For Health Freedom. Twila talks about how Obamacare might or might not be repealed, the health of Minnesota’s ACA Exchange ‘Mnsure’, the future of health insurance, health care under the next presidency and the politics surrounding this issue. This weekend, Mobile Podcast Command headed to Chicago for a high school reunion of sorts. This podcaster is the product of a revolutionary ‘vocational training program’ at one of the Chicago Area’s biggest high schools. At the center of this program was a student run real radio station (and today a TV station and web presence as well). For us, it was the only reason we even bothered to show up everyday at a high school teeming with thousands of students (about a thousand for each year at the time). There was a lot of talk this weekend about how ‘the program’ brought together kids from all different parts of the high school social spectrum, but really, it was a bunch of outcasts from every high school ‘caste’. Oddly enough it was very much like John Hughes’ masterful portrayal of big city high school life “The Breakfast Club”, except this was a radio station, rather than a detention hall. As the podcast says, “I don’t go to reunions, I go to reunions for my high school radio station, because I didn’t graduate from high school, I graduated from the radio station.” So in the second half of this podcast some observations about life, living your life on the air, and how wonderful it is to hang out with people who know you so well from those formative years. Life is certainly no bowl of cherries, as the saying goes, but one wonders whether we really do change from the time we are 16 or 17, to when we go back home for that big reunion. It’s great to be able to celebrate others’ success, life, and remember those who have passed. It’s also really great to get back on the highway, Sponsored by Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul, Pride of Homes and Luke Team Real Estate.