Podcast 131

A live podcast from the West Metro Tea Party meeting. Inequality will be the cornerstone of the Democratic strategy to hold the line – or pick up seats – in the US Senate. Their success means making you think there is a problem named inequality, and that government can solve it. What are the conclusions of scholars claiming inequality is a ‘terrifying’ problem for the future? Is the United States an Oligarchy? How does a person get rich and stay rich? Finally, if you want to have an impact, you’re going to have to stop talking about it, and start working on building organizations to win elections. Sponsored by Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul.  

Podcast 128

Top Stories! Get updated on the week’s top stories. We’re getting back on the horse after Easter weekend. My take on the Bundy Ranch Standoff? More than a tax issue, this is a political corruption issue. Continuing to watch Eastern Ukraine for signs of trouble, as the ‘Geneva Accord’ looks more and more like Munich! Or, maybe August 1914. Maybe it’s just eclipse energy! Democrats have been told to stop saying ‘recovery’ … Why? There goes Pope Francis again, popping off about ‘Free Markets’ and all the damage they cause. Plus, updates on where I’ll be speaking next in the Minneapolis-Saint Paul Metro. Sponsored by Plan Vision. Simple, Smart and Focused

Podcast 124

The stand off at the Bundy Ranch in Nevada is over, a Blood Moon, and trouble in Ukraine. Here in the Twin Cities, the Met Council is starting to look like the Bureau of Land Management as they pull out all the stops to smooth over progressive officials in Minneapolis proper, in an attempt to ram a train down the throats of the rich people of the Kenwood, Cedar and Lake of the Isles neighborhoods. Oh the jobs! The extra development! The trolley Cars! (Sounds like a children’s book, doesn’t it). Sounds like legal bribery to me. Will newly minted Mayor Hodges fall for it? And if she does, how far will her political future go when the lakes are drained from a tunnel project gone wrong? Plus President Obama’s taxes (He is actually legally avoiding the full tax for his income bracket), and more. Get the top stories to get your week started right. Sponsored by PlanVision. Do you know how much you pay in 401K management fees every year? Does your company’s HR Department know? It could be as much as 2%!  Bumper Music from my friend, Brian Just.