Podcast 204

Is Life A Holo Deck? A new experiment being conducted by Fermilab may prove the theory space and time are in fact 2 dimensional. Might this suggest reality is a computer? With a finite memory? What if we really are on a Holo Deck? The first reaction to a statement like that is to say, “Everything is already decided!” I take the other tack. What if we can influence our reality locally, and in the rest of the world by our actions. Developments in the Ukraine, Iraq, recession in Europe, Japan and below par growth in the US, it does feel like the world is hurtling toward a negative outcome, at least in the short term. Yet, as with a hundred years ago, we are on the edge of a brand new age predicated on the technology we have watched evolve over the last fifty years. Are we going to be able to make this transition? As the election in the US looms, how much of our path is determined by decisions already made, how much impact do we have on the future? Is it a World War I scenario? Is it an Interwar Scenario? Find out how a story about the fabric of reality, a visit by the Jehovah’s Witnesses, gel into some ideas about people getting involved and influencing these outcomes. Manifesting doesn’t necessarily mean thinking about it, and then it happens. Sometimes you have to do a little work. If life is a computer, we ought to be able to hack it. Sponsored by X Government Cars.

Randal O’Toole – Podcast 188

Randal O’Toole shares his knowledge about Light Rail, Street Cars, the Driverless Car, state and city planning, subsidies and the Highway Trust Fund, with The Bob Davis Podcasts. Cities all over the United States are spending billions, sometimes tens of billions to research, and billions more to build, light rail, streetcar and so called ‘high speed’ rail lines. These projects are designed to serve centrally planned cities with subsidized high density housing. Studies say this is what people want, but are the studies right? What is the history of this kind of thinking? O’Toole knows. Moreover, O’Toole is willing to debate, discuss, and write about the issue. Most of the time he doesn’t get enough time on talk radio, but he is a wealth of information. If you want to learn how to argue these issues, Randal O’Toole is the man to learn from. Do we continue to tax people, no matter where they live, to subsidize and maintain expensive transit systems for the elite, and to promote a vision of the future which may be dangerously wrong. Hear him as you have never heard him before, because The Bob Davis Podcasts will give him plenty of time in this podcast, and the companion podcast 189, to share those arguments with you. Sponsored by Baklund R & D.

Podcast 147

Memorial Day Weekend 2014! Some selected top stories for your trip to the lake this weekend. Or, where ever you’re headed. A Super Bowl For Minneapolis in 2018. Aren’t we happy. The question is, will the 450 million dollars (plus) Minnesotans are on the hook for be a net gain, or a net loss, when the costs are factored in. Not to mention the drug dispensing (alleged) NFL always begging for so many subsidies it would even make Cliven Bundy blush. Don’t expect the media in Minneapolis-Saint Paul to tell you the truth about the Vikings Stadium, the grocery clerks running these media outlets are terrified of the NFL and the Wilfs. Meanwhile, those sanctions against Russia are working so well, Putin has been driven into the arms of China, and now all three are making nice with Iran. And, the VA is such a mess the President is ‘madder than hell’, but how does he take down his favorite example of Government Run Health Care? That’s why no one is getting fired at the VA. Say goodbye to real people taking your order at MacDonald’s, cause they’re trying to form a union. Canceling ‘Honors Night’, Bike Riding Coaches for little Ashley and Dylan, and Hand Shakes are more dangerous than smoking! This is some holiday weekend! Sponsored by Edelweiss Design