Podcast 414

Apocalypticism Now. The Full Lunar Eclipse on the evening of September 27th, 2015 is often referred to as a Blood Moon. This one has the evangelists and everyone else predicting THE END OF THE WORLD. Again. What is Apocalypticism, where does it come from, and how long as it been with us. Over dinner, I decided to do some research on this topic and was amazed with its history. It’s probably true that end-of-the-world prophets have been with us since the beginning. There are certainly end of the world myths associated with every tribe and culture in history. Ours is no exception. Why? Is it the need to make sense out of complicated events? A need to put context in our lives? Is there something going on with the subconscious? Or, maybe, the world is about to end! Gasp! It’s been a long time since an end of the world ‘prophet’ actually provided a date, but some are saying this blood moon could herald ‘The End’. Hearing a lot of this kind of talk these days in political circles, which is some of the impetus behind this podcast. Some people seem to be afraid, frustrated, confused and have difficulty putting the events of the time in some kind of context. Moreover they seem to be unable to act to do much about it. Is it aging? Is it fear of the unknown? Is apocalypticism part of the standard teachings of Christianity? My prediction? Listen to the podcast and find out. Sponsored by X Government Trucks and Pride of Homes

Podcast 412

Dream It Do It. Thanks to all the beta testers of the Bob Davis Audiobook ‘The Chieftain 2021’ delivery systems. If you have not received an email download link yet, let us know. Advising beta testers of some of the issues related to the audiobook and how they’re solved provokes a discussion about creativity, what a dream is, and living the dream. We live in a society that increasingly seems as though its trying to tell us why we can’t do something rather than encouraging us to try. Some people who mean well, are really dream killers. What it would be like to make one tiny part of your dream come true? How would you feel? How would your life change? Technology makes it easier than ever to make our dreams come true. Now, all we have to do is create a structure that encourages people to make their dreams come true, rather than an aging structure that kills dreams. One way to make dreams come true would be to encourage economic growth. Republican candidate Jeb Bush says he has a plan for four percent economic growth, achieved through ‘cutting taxes’. ‘Cutting Taxes’; the holy grail of Republican politics. The thing is, growth won’t happen if you cut taxes on one group and raise taxes on the other if you don’t cut spending too. All you’re really doing is gathering water from the deep end of the pool and pouring it into the shallow end. Here’s a dream for you; A government that spends less every year and taxes less because of it. A government that doesn’t spy on its citizens because it needs to focus resources on existential threats. A government that doesn’t pick winners and losers, all the while adding to its own payrolls and growing larger and more dangerous every year. Guess what? None of the Republicans and certainly not the Democrats are talking about doing this. Meanwhile, the state of Illinois — the national financial basket case — is giving its lottery winners IOU’s; There isn’t enough cash in state coffers to pay them. Maybe its time to think differently about what government does, and what it costs us. Sponsored by X Government Trucks, Pride Of Homes and Luke Team Real Estate.

Podcast 409 – Sunny Lohmann

Sunny Lohmann. Sunny is back making videos and getting trolled. As always she is uncompromising and thought provoking, from the Blood Moon, to the Trump candidacy, to free speech, racism and the Paleo Diet. Back for a weekend chat on the heels of two new You Tube videos which generated surprising controversy and response. First up is her satire of the Trump candidacy, followed up by a discussion of reaction to another video lampooning the Hollywood videos complaining about the lack of make up choices for people of color. These days it seems like it doesn’t matter what side your on, the trolls come from all sides. If someone doesn’t like what you say, they want to destroy you. It doesn’t matter that every liberal democracy in history has guaranteed free speech, with the US going so far as to actually amend its constitution to guarantee said speech (it is, of course the first amendment). The cyber equivalent of street thugs are out there, ready to pounce if you say anything that might offend their sensitive psyche. Then there’s the question of racism; Sunny suggests that some black activists are racists themselves, or at least that’s the impression she was left with from comments on her videos recently. In the end its pretty clear people aren’t very interested in working together in this country to solve any problems. Has diversity and political correctness destroyed free speech? Everyone seems to want to start their own activist group, attack the Facebook posts of someone they don’t agree with, or protest somewhere. Against something. Hence, Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders, or any other candidate that ‘tells it like it is’, which is really just screaming, “I’m mad as hell and I’m not gonna take it anymore”. Now, if everyone says they’re mad as hell and they’re not gonna take it anymore, but no one really knows what they’re mad about, or they’re all mad about different things … well you can see what kind of problem that presents to actual governing. Sponsored by X Government Cars and Pride Of Homes