Ozark The Deuce Stranger Things Golden TV age Snark-Podcast 675

Streaming. Binging. Brand new shows. Hundreds of new offerings on networks that didn’t exist ten years ago. Critics have suddenly discovered streaming television and there is much they do not like. In Ozark The Deuce Stranger Things Golden TV age Snark-Podcast 675.

No Commercials

I cut the cable years ago. Never watch broadcast TV. Despite this, I watch a lot of TV. I have my favorite shows. Shows I binge watch over a week, or weekend. Especially relevant is the fact that we all have our favorites. Whether it’s a weekend of Stranger Things or Ozark on Netflix, or waiting for each installment of the new HBO Show The Deuce, we’re watching serialized TV offerings like long movies.

Peak TV

While the technical infrastructure has existed for awhile, more people are streaming shows. It’s what the experts call ‘peak tv‘. No one wants to be left out, including the critics. In Ozark The Deuce Stranger Things Golden TV age Snark-Podcast 675.

You’ve Got Critics

A few years ago the critics hailed these new offerings as ‘groundbreaking’. Suddenly new shows can’t get a break. Bad acting. Silly plot lines. Critics are desperate to remain relevant, I guess. What they forget is, it’s just Television.

Watch It All At Once and Move On

Television has always been disposable. So have all popular forms of entertainment. Sure, there are world changing plays, movies, songs, radio and television shows. For the most part though, we forget. Do you remember all two hundred plus Miami Vice installments? Were they all great?

Content Creators Don’t Change The World With Every Offering

New media platforms can take as much content as creators can manage. People watch and discard almost as soon as it is produced. We’re in the early stages of an entirely new form of entertainment delivery systems. Creators are still learning the ropes. Is it fair to compare a show with 13 hour long installments in a year, although it’s written, shot and produced like a movie, with a full budget hollywood movie? Do the viewers care that some critic doesn’t think an actor is good enough to do Shakespeare on Broadway?

Binge Weekend

I love my new shows, and I binge watch the old ones all the time. WestWorld. The Deuce. Ozark. House of Cards. Ray Donovan. Boardwalk Empire. Curb Your Enthusiasm. I don’t need to be studying film and literature to enjoy them. In the final analysis, the rest of the viewers don’t either.

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Ozark The Deuce Stranger Things Golden TV age Snark-Podcast 675



Political Content Boring Audiences-Podcast 672

First of all political content is everywhere. Seems like adding to it is spitting into the wind. Especially relevant is a reality star president who has turned government into a cartoon. In Political Content Boring Audiences-Podcast 672.

Saturated With Political Content

Furthermore journalists, TV Stars, entertainers, and athletes have become players in the daily drama. The last refuge was sports. Most of all sports channels have now joined the melee.

Gets Older Everyday

Political content as entertainment emerged over thirty years ago. It was new then but these days, political content is saturating our lives. It wasn’t always this way. We’ll talk about it in Political Content Boring Audiences-Podcast 672.

What Would Johnny Do?

Millions watched a decidedly nonpolitical show during the peak years of ‘The Tonight Show’ with Johnny Carson. The opposite is true today. Or is it?.

Hundreds of Millions Are On New Platforms

Most noteworthy are entertainment channels on new platforms like SnapChat, Instagram, and You Tube, with more viewers and subscribers than ‘The Tonight Show’ at its peak. Political offerings on any channel pale in contrast. Find out what the stats are in Political Content Boring Audiences-Podcast 672.

Think Different

Much as we believe traditional media is king maybe it’s time to think differently. Furthermore digital platforms for newspapers and radio boast hundreds of millions of subscribers and listeners. As purely entertainment offerings on new platforms get hundreds of millions of views and subscriptions traditional media keeps banging away on politics.

It’s Wallpaper

In conclusion when something is everywhere it isn’t unique or interesting. With so much political stuff it’s natural for content creators to wonder whether audiences are getting bored with it.

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Political Content Boring Audiences-Podcast 672



Trump’s Trojan Horse Democrat Embrace Confuses GOP-Podcast 662

A republican president who campaigned against profligate spending has made a deal with democrats in order to spend more. President Trump wants billions for disaster relief in the wake of two hurricanes. In Trump’s Trojan Horse Democrat Embrace Confuses GOP-Podcast 662.

Drowning In The Swamp

The Man who was going to drain the swamp has joined the swamp rats. Conventional rank and file republicans are at a loss to explain. Trump’s a political genius who knows how to work it, is one explanation. Trump’s a Trojan Horse. A closet democrat. He tricked us from the beginning, is another explanation.

What is a Republican?

Truth is Republicans do not know what they are about. What are republicans for? What are they against? The so called conservative movement lost its way a long time ago. Trump is a symptom rather than a transformational leader. In Trump’s Trojan Horse Democrat Embrace Confuses GOP-Podcast 662.

Red Tie Socialism

The President’s budget calls for spending increases. The US is sending more troops to Afghanistan. Elements of the Tax Reform bill actually cap mortgage tex deductions, eliminate corporate tax deductions, seek to tax 401K and other tax deferred savings accounts. It all adds up to tax increases, not tax cuts. Moreover a republican president and congress that campaigned on repealing The Affordable Care Act, did not repeal it.

Permanent Slumber

When will republicans wake up to the fact that the Grand Old Party, the Party of Reagan, is just as interested in taxing and spending as their nemesis, the democratic party? Where is the great conservative movement we keep hearing about? Where are the people to do the hard political work of building a movement? They don’t exist. They deserve a wolf in sheep’s clothing and now they have it. In Trump’s Trojan Horse Democrat Embrace Confuses GOP-Podcast 662. (Editor’s Note: In listening to this podcast I just noticed I refer to the HBO Hit Series ‘WestWorld‘ as ‘West-WOOD’, which of course is the same of a radio network. Old habits die hard.)

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Trump’s Trojan Horse Democrat Embrace Confuses GOP-Podcast 662