Conformists Open Road-New Social Media Puritans-Podcast 729

Do you believe in individual freedom? These days governments, institutions and big companies act as though they make the rules. Most of all when it comes to rights. Learn why I say this in Conformists Open Road-New Social Media Puritans-Podcast 729.

A Post About The Republican Convention Is A No No?

I covered the state republican convention in Duluth, Minnesota. My post included a title referring to the Minnesota Republican Party and a photo I took of conventioneers. No political advertising in the podcast or post. In addition, I don’t do political advertising. Podcast 728 is an account of the convention and my observations about what I saw.

It is pure citizen journalism.

Blocked From Advertising

Podcast 728 got great response on social media, so I decided to advertise it. I was shocked when FaceBook blocked me from boosting that post.

Change Your Settings and Conform

Moreover Podcast 728 could not be advertised unless I changed The Bob Davis Podcasts FaceBook page settings to allow for ‘political advertising’. If I did this, all my boosted posts would contain a warning. Find out about it in Conformists Open Road-New Social Media Puritans-Podcast 729.

Maybe Artificial Intelligence Isn’t That Intelligent

I was not silenced by FaceBook but their silly rules did prevent me from promoting. What’s more I have the impression this review was conducted by robots rather than humans. If they actually reviewed my content any reasonable human would conclude the post was not political advertising. What FaceBook is doing is violating the 1st amendment rights of news organizations and citizen journalists.

Take a look and see what you think.

Fear Of Offense Drives Silly Rules

Especially relevant is the question of what happens when you can’t advertise or talk about any subject because of the fear of offending someone.

God Forbid anyone might see something they disagree with!

Yeah the Internet is an open road. For conformists only.

Rugged Individualism? Don’t Make Me Laugh!

While politicians talk about rugged individualism there seems to be less of it.

These days it’s rigged collectivism.

FaceBook Is The New K-Mart

In conclusion rules and regulations and blocks do not make for a free exchange of ideas. It is most noteworthy that content creators find ways around these rules anyway.

Microsoft used to be the software King Kong. Better companies and better ideas eventually eclipsed the Seattle Giant.  The lesson? Bad service and silly rules are a recipe for failure. Big Social Media is vulnerable to competitors that innovate and promote free speech.

What Do You Do When You Are On An Open Road?

Sometimes following the rules is the worst thing you can do.

Sponsored by Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul

Conformists Open Road-New Social Media Puritans-Podcast 729


Podcast 379

National D-Day Memorial. The Road Trip continues, south from Indianapolis to Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee and Western Virginia. Stopping off for a street fair in Berea, Kentucky and by chance, the National D-Day Memorial at sundown, on June 6th, 2015; the 71st Commemoration of the landing by allied armies in occupied France, at Normandy. Meanwhile, more and more politicians declare their ‘candidacy for the Presidency’ and where’s the first place they go? Iowa. There’s many interesting and valuable small and medium sized towns across this country, with interesting people, that could do with a little attention from politicians who are supposed to be representing the people, but no. The entire media and political focus in this country is on the diffused population of a state that has made a tourist business out of politics, a full year before it will matter. This is how a handful of political ‘activists’, which really means ‘groupie’, ‘attention whore’, ‘fame vampire’, get to have an outsized influence on the American political process. The founding fathers not only are turning over in their graves; they’re spinning like tops. The best thing about travel is it all blurs together until its like a dream, and that’s good. All the better to turn off those idiots, and hit the road. The thing about travel is, once you let you go, and let the countryside and the experiences that go with it come and go, sometimes you get to see amazing things. This is the case with the National D-Day Memorial, which many people probably don’t even know exists, reached at sundown on June 6th, after an unexpected detour to save time, just in time to hear one soldier play taps, in honor of those who gave their lives that day so many years ago. Travel east of the Mississippi is different because the distances are shorter, but there’s more places to pull over and dawdle. College towns like Berea, Kentucky. Rocky Top Tennessee, and the birthplace of country music, Bristol, Virginia. Anyplace but Iowa! Sponsored by Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul

Podcast 156

D-Day. June 6th, 1944 – June 6th, 2014 is the 70th year since the invasion of Europe by ‘The United Nations’ as Dwight Eisenhower called them. I toured Omaha Beach from ‘Dog Green’ where the most intense fighting was, to the heights of the German defenses, to the fields where American Paratroopers were dropped, to the American and German graves. While I have told the story in bits and pieces over the years, the great thing about podcasting is you can tell the whole story. The tour left a permanent, personal and emotional impression on me. This will be one of the last commemorations of that great and terrible day in American history that includes its few remaining veterans. While Obama and Putin jostle for attention in Normandy this weekend, what lessons might we draw from the sacrifice of those who were young in 1944. Sponsored by Baklund R&D