Nomad-Thanksgiving-Bob Davis Podcast 1121

Nomad Thanksgiving

Firstly there will be turkey for this Nomad Thanksgiving. Details in Nomad-Thanksgiving-Bob Davis Podcast 1121.

Counting Of Blessings

Secondly there will be a counting of blessings.


Finally there will be some planning for the future.

Big History For Thanksgiving

Above all Americans will be surprised to learn that Thanksgivings Per Se are not exclusively American.

In fact Pilgrims in Massachusetts and early settlers in Virginia would have brought the concept of a day of thanksgiving with them.

Because such days have been common going back eons.

Therefore counting one’s blessings on this day is the primary reason for the day.

Pressure Day

Unfortunately we have turned Thanksgiving into an affair fraught with pressure.

Pressure Season

Indeed the whole ‘holiday’ season from here on can get a little ridiculous.


So, having a nomad thanksgiving with a band of merry travelers under the Arizona sky can be pretty rad.

Even more my anxiousness this time of year always gives way to thinking about and sketching out plans for travel in the coming year.


Compared to drunken uncles and screaming arguments about politics back home…

Nomad Thanksgiving is Paradise.

As a matter of fact I cherish this time of relative quiet to review my past travels…

And to hash over batteries, bathrooms and other issues…

Or places to check out in future travels…

With the crew.

Of course in between mouthfuls of store bought Thanksgiving Dinner and Pecan or Pumpkin Pie.

Surprisingly there will be no football games on TV or dad falling asleep on the couch this year.

Nomad Thanksgiving Is Like Eating At The Kid’s Table

Significantly it will be like eating Thanksgiving Dinner at the kid’s table so many years ago.

More Fun

Undeniably more fun than at the table with the ‘adults’.

That said it is unquestionably important to give thanks to friends…

And family…

And as a matter of fact fellow travelers.

No Pressure

All things considered it’s a great time because there’s no pressure.

In brief grab a couple of tables.

Throw out the paper plates.

Grab the dinner from the store.

Make a fresh pot of coffee.

And finally sit down.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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Nomad-Thanksgiving-Bob Davis Podcast 1121

Podcast 575-Surviving Thanksgiving

Podcast 575-Surviving Thanksgiving. How to maintain your sanity through Thanksgiving and the rest of the holiday season. As the final curtain is drawn on election 2016 the phrase “it’s all over but the shouting” should read, “It’s all over but for Political Junkies and others who can’t let it go”. Whether it is the cast of a broadway play, members of the alt-right paying homage to their leader, or Kanye West it seems sometimes as though people have lost their minds and are intent on making fools of themselves. Prepare for the toughest challenge of the political season: Your family at the Thanksgiving Day Table. A News Cleanse might be just what the doctor ordered. The Thanksgiving experience sets the tone for the rest of the holiday season. Podcast 575-Surviving Thanksgiving provides some simple ground rules so you don’t end up in a screaming match with your crazy uncle. If you are the crazy uncle these rules apply double. Back in the day people gave thanks at harvest time for surviving one more year. Today we give thanks for the new flat screen TV and stuff more of that cheeseball into our mouths. My favorite holiday is the fourth of July. No one cares what you do, or what you eat, or how much beer you drink and there are fireworks. Fireworks! At Thanksgiving it’s dark, winter is coming and we’re stuck with people who may just say things to see what happens. The culprit at Thanksgiving is High Expectations. People get very emotional. They want everyone to be happy. If you start in about Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump, everyone is not going to be happy. Among strategies for avoiding arguments or falling victim to relatives who like to poke at you, I mention techniques for changing the course of the conversation abruptly. Just bring up the Hollow Earth theory, Planet X, The Mandela Effect, the new Paul Is Dead theory, Time Travel, the Trumpets of Jericho and the idea that the world actually ended in 2012 and we are living in a computer. These are like conversational ‘in case of emergency break glass’ tools. Use them wisely. And have an excuse that allows you to leave early. Sponsored by X Government Cars, Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul and Hydrus Performance.[powepress]