Gratitude-Attitude-2022-Bob Davis Podcast 1035

Gratitude Attitude 2022

Above all we’re living through confusing times so having the Gratitude Attitude in 2022 is the right approach. I’ll tell you all about it in Gratitude-Attitude-2022-Bob Davis Podcast 1035.

Thanking Those Who Have Helped In 2021

Firstly I have a lot of people to thank for getting me and the podcast through a difficult year.

First Year As Nomad

Secondly if you want to hear more about my first year on the road permanently click here.

Second Year Of Nomad Experience Already Underway

But we’re now well into the second year of the nomad experience.

New Vibe

Already it’s a completely different vibe.

Constantly Moving In 2021

For example in my first year I traveled almost the entire year, stopping down only to deal with my mother’s death.

Slow Down

On the other hand I decided recently to slow down and get to know the places I’m interested in a little.

Discover Community

Consequently I have discovered the nomad community.

Quirky Quartzsite

In addition I’ve come to love the quirky place I have called home the last few weeks, Quartzsite Arizona.

And The People

Therefore as I look back over 2021 I see there are many people as well to be grateful for.

Clients and Contributors

Certainly clients and contributors to the podcasts.

Friends and Family

Likewise friends and family who have been very supportive throughout this process.

Some of 2021 Is A Blur

But some of 2021’s events are a blur to me.


To clarify there’s something dreamy about the nomad experience to begin with.


Even more things like a death in the family take a little longer than a few days to process. Shockingly I don’t remember most of last winter due to dealing with my mom’s death.

Incredible Moments and Dreams

And yet there have been some incredible moments which also surprisingly feel like a dream.

Time Is Different For The Nomad

Finally my analysis is that the nomad does not experience time the same way as those back in the world.

Rome Bob, Rome

Certainly our concept of the New Year’s on January 1st goes back to Roman Times.

Lunar Calendars

Before that people operated on lunar calendars and told time with the stars.

Chinese New Year

As a result the so called Chinese New Year usually happens around February.

Farmers No More

Back in the day most of us were farmers.

Beginning Of Spring

Therefore the powers that be decided the New Year should also herald the beginning of the planting season.


To sum up I am not one for marking these milestones.


But I think it is good to recognize and be grateful for the good in life.

I am lucky to have so much of it mostly due to the people in my life.

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Gratitude-Attitude-2022-Bob Davis Podcast 1035


Podcast 546

Podcast 546-What Is Next? Almost all media these days is advocacy journalism. It used to be called ‘yellow journalism’. Back in the day yellow journalism was characterized by newspaper publishers like William Randolph Hearst who, when an artist he’d sent to Cuba cabled Hearst the fact that the USS Maine had blown up because of an accident, famously replied, “You supply the pictures, I’ll supply the war!” Everywhere we turn these days we are bombarded with the surface arguments. The personalities, the propaganda, the arguing back and forth. It goes far beyond media bias. It has become media advocacy. Telling you and I who to vote for and why. Telling us what we are to believe in and what our country stands for, and why. It’s a fact of life on both sides of the fence. We end up going back and forth about nonsense, most of the time. For me to add to this noise, seems to be a waste of time. Of course I have my own point of view about politics these days, and I’ll try and save most of those observations for podcasts detailing state by state polls, or addressing specific issues when they need to be addressed. How you vote, who you vote for and why you vote the way you do is your business. The easy thing to do these days is turn on the microphone and bloviate about what happened on the campaign trail today. It is much harder to find something to discuss that goes beyond. Hence Podcast 546-What Is Next? How can we move to the next step in the country and the world. Not what happens after election day 2016, or Inauguration Day 2017. This question deals with what happens down the line. If we spent a fraction of our time actually trying to inform ourselves about issues we can know about, rather than consuming propaganda, we would be better citizens and better stewards of the future for the country. The answers to the things we can know about, aren’t in social media or even necessarily searchable. The answers are in libraries. We can’t be fully informed about an issue if we don’t even know what questions to search. So let’s get started answering the question, What’s Next? Sponsored by Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul and Hydrus Performance.