Podcast 360

Updates! The Correspondent’s dinner is a colossal waste of time, and discussions now center on how to fix it. How do you fix it when the news reporters who should be in Baltimore covering riots are ‘the story’ at a glitzy, hollywood style celebrity roast, including the President. How is the public to expect objectivity in its nightly news given that kind of display. NBC Nightly News, as predicted, has reportedly asked Brian Williams to find the door as more evidence of his ’embellishments’ emerge. Williams has done irreparable harm to NBC News. The Comcast-Time Warner deal is kaput. It can only be hoped complaints about customer service at both companies contributed to it. It’s starting to become apparent that the balance of power, when it comes to energy, is shifting in favor of the United States. Fracking made it possible, and today’s technology made fracking so efficient oil companies can scale them up or down at much cheaper costs, and exploration is cheaper as well. With the US the second or first largest oil producer, and controlling as much as ten percent of the world’s oil production, substantive changes in middle east policy are now possible. The new reality also extends to how we deal with countries like Venezuela and Russia, not just the Middle East. Minnesota Congressman Keith Ellison wants to end so called subsidies to the ‘evil’ oil companies. What are subsidies, what tax breaks and loopholes specifically apply here and who really benefits? Meanwhile real subsidies for wind power, ethanol, electric cars, light rail and rail roads that deliver the oil – rather than the Keystone Pipeline – continue. Who benefits? The top selling car at GM is not a gas-electric, or even the fully electric Volt. It’s the Suburban, Yukon and Escalade as people trade in their electric cars for SUV’s, now that gas is cheaper. The war on the car, the individual and independent-government-free living continues. Latest in the struggle is the Southwest Light Rail project now expected to cost Minnesota Taxpayers 2 billion dollars, which shocked and appalled Governor Dayton. The solution? Kill the project. The aging hippie governor and his 60 year old pals at the Hennepin County Council, City Councils and a duchy known as ‘The Met Council’ have a vision. That vision is our return to the early 20th century city utopia, where cars were scarce and trains carried people from residential areas of big cities downtown. Forget that those cities, at that time, were hardly utopias. The last, best hope of these statists is the Millennial generation, which they expect will move into downtown, thus populating the expensive (1500 to 3000 a month) high rise apartments, and drinking in the bohemian bars and coffee shops, and in general contributing to something called ‘the creative class’. Truth is, Millennials are moving to the suburbs and the exurbs because housing is cheaper, and there are yards for their new families. Babies and toddlers don’t prefer sitting in outdoor coffee cafes, riding around on bikes and getting tattoos. Is the statist dream of returning to the early 20th century city doomed? Sponsored by X Government Cars

Podcast 298

Heavy Stories. In the first of two podcasts for the weekend of January 23rd, 2015…the heavy stories. Lots of talk about the State of The Union, whether or not a Republican Congress can govern, factions forming in the House, and all the other static. These stories have obscured for the time being, discussions of the effects of the price of oil. The low price of gas is almost always celebrated by the media as a ‘good thing’ since ‘reductions in the price of gas, act like a tax cut on the economy’. While it is a pleasurable to experience to fill up your tank for less than thirty dollars, throw in a car wash and come away with change from your fifty, we still have a long way to go before the ‘tax cut’ experience kicks in. Suddenly though, the story line has changed. Media outlets and pundits who enthusiastically endorsed lower oil prices as ‘acting like a tax cut’ are suddenly decrying ‘deflation’ in the economy, and writing stories about how deflation can only lead to ruin, and ‘something’ must be done. Meanwhile, the price of beef, milk, cheese, rice and other staples at any store, whether it is a Walmart or a ‘Whole Paycheck’ aren’t ‘deflating’ very quickly. And since wages have not kept pace with even moderate inflation, Americans will need to see further reductions in the rate of inflation (Disinflation) before the celebration begins. And what about those media outlets? Why they have found a new story line … horrible and giant oil companies that are suddenly laying of noble workers in North Dakota and Texas. What will happen when companies start laying people off, due to reduced pricing power? (Editor’s Note: They don’t mention that energy price inputs for companies are also getting cheaper.) Why is the specter of deflation terrifying? Because as money becomes worth more (lower prices mean you can buy more) if you are in debt, it makes paying back the debt that much more difficult. And, the world’s central banks are carrying a lot of debt. So are companies and individuals, and your good old Uncle Sam. Moreover, this nonsense about the United States being economically decoupled from the rest of the world is being exposed. If the rest of the world slips into recession because of bad economic policy and bad monetary policy, and bad political leadership, why would the United States escape the pain, since our policy and political leadership is just as bad as say, Europe, if not worse. This — and many other issues — will also be discussed this weekend at the SD-61 Chili Dinner AND CONTEST in South Minneapolis. Come on out! Sponsored by Mycompletebasement.com.  (Editor’s Note: 06:38 Hours: Well, I just google mapped Midland Texas and characterizing it as in the Dallas metro, is a bit of a stretch, in fact it’s more like the splits. Midland is west of Fort Worth, close to Odessa so it really isn’t as to Dallas as Plymouth, Minnesota is to Minneapolis. I seem to remember a trip to Dallas, seeing an exit for Midland and it seemed a lot closer than it looks on the map.)

Podcast 277

Christmas 2014! Live from the mall for the last few hours of Christmas shopping. Getting through the shortest days of the year in the Northern Hemisphere, celebrating the return of the light. This has been a weird holiday season, news wise. With the NYPD police/protester story, and the recent police involved shooting in the Saint Louis Metro, as well as the Sony Hack continuing story the News Watch Never Stops at the Bob Davis Podcasts. So, in a soft way, updating you for Christmas Day, 2014. As protests and police involved shootings continue to happen and people fire off uninformed and ignorant missives to each other on social media, this one may just have to run its course. On the Sony front, the FBI says North Korea did it. Does the FBI have enough evidence to say North Korea is responsible? There will be time to get back down in it, after Christmas. Aside from the lurid stories, the meatiest story this week has been the 3rd quarter economic numbers that have the media, and the President crowing ‘boom’. Is it? The new 5% GDP numbers are revisions, but the media doesn’t explain why US Economic numbers are revised at least three times, and then revised annually. Now the media is rolling every anecdotal experience into the numbers as ‘proof’ the ‘US is back!’. In this podcast, we’ll look a little deeper into those numbers to help you decide what they mean, and inform your decision on whether you think things are ‘booming’, economically speaking. Denver is experiencing an increase in its homeless population. The theory is, they are coming for legal pot. Watch out for the new advice on the ‘homeless’. When you see a street person you’re supposed to engage with them, in order to see them as human beings. This is a dangerous course of action, and really irresponsible, especially if you have small children with you. We all feel bad for those less fortunate, but some of them are dealing from a very challenged perspective, and you don’t know what they’ll do at any moment. Stay clear for your own safety. You’ve heard of the Obama Phone? Now they want to give people free broad band internet access. Yep. The Internet is a human right, which means the rest of us should pay for it, with additional charges on our phone bills, so people less fortunate can have free Internet. Finally, Miley Cyrus is banned from the Shriver/Kennedy Christmas Celebration in Massachusetts. Cyrus is dating Maria Shriver and Arnold Schwarzenegger’s son Patrick, and momma doesn’t like her. (Editor’s Note: Aside from the fact that Cyrus probably has more money than the Kennedy’s, and if she doesn’t she will, at least she works, and doesn’t just lay about lending her name to every left wing cause that comes down the pike. Miley, you’re better off!) Sponsored by Autonomous Cad