Sacrifice-And-Nomad-Life-Bob Davis Podcast 1065

Sacrifice And Nomad Life

Above all after nearly two years on the road it’s a good time to talk about Sacrifice And Nomad life. We’ll do it in Sacrifice-And-Nomad-Life-Bob Davis Podcast 1065.

Not Forced

Firstly this life wasn’t forced on me.


Secondly I sacrificed a great deal by making the decision to go on the road.


Certainly this has been a topic of conversation in these podcasts.


But these days I am in Utah.

Even more I am in Utah waiting for truck service, among other things.

Time To Think

Therefore I have time to think.

And that is not always good.

Podcast From Around The Campfire

Firstly join me around the campfire in Sacrifice-And-Nomad-Life-Bob Davis Podcast 1065 to discuss these issues.

Recent Experiences and High Summer

Secondly I’ll tell some stories about recent experiences.

Changes Out On The Road

That is to say things out here seem to have changed a bit due to inflation and other issues.

Desperation In The Air

So I see a little more desperation in the parking lots and truck stops than I remember seeing in 2020.

Sacrifice and Life On The Road

Consequently I end up thinking a little more about sacrifice and life on the road.

Would I Go Back?

For example what would I go back to my own life?

Just Beginning To Learn

But I came to the conclusion that I have only scratched the surface of what one can learn out here.

Auspicious Time

To clarify I think this is an auspicious time to be a nomad.

Back Roads and Highways

In short there’s a lot going on out on the back roads and highways of this country.

Experiences and Lessons

Even more it’s the experiences and the lessons learned that keep me wanting more.

And Friends

Not to mention the friends I’ve made.

Choose Again

In addition I would still choose the timelines and alternative life.

Powerful Inner Voice

For example when I made my decision there was a powerful inner voice which said, just go.

Just Push On

On the other hand now my inner voice seems to be saying, just push on ahead a little further.

To sum up things are a little different out here this year versus last.

But no less interesting.

Sponsored by The Independently Owned and Community Focused Refueling Station 36/Lyn

Sacrifice-And-Nomad-Life-Bob Davis Podcast 1065


Nomad-Decisions-Stories-Bob Davis Podcast 1046

Nomad Decisions and Stories

Above all my nomad decisions and stories are my own. They are not meant as judgements. Learn more in Nomad-Decisions-Stories-Bob Davis Podcast 1046.

Not Easy

Secondly nobody said it would be easy.

Certainly we nomads love to tell the story of how it all went down.


Lately I have been reviewing my decision to get rid of everything and hit the road.

To clarify I do not regret that decision.

Anatomy Of A Decision

But I think the process of making the decision is interesting.

Even more I don’t think anyone is having an easy time with life these days.

Therefore the idea of discussing life changing decisions helps everyone.

And telling some nomad stories along the way.

Another Great Nomad Story

For example someone I met had rented a car, threw her stuff in it, and within three hours was on the road.


She’s still driving the rented SUV.

“I’ll deal with that later”.

Action Is What’s Important

In the same vein Nomad-Decisions-Stories-Bob Davis Podcast 1046 is about the process of making a big decision and taking action on it.

Most importantly I don’t regret it.

No Best Practices

However I am not really sure if I used ‘best practices‘ in making that decision.

To sum up here, the main thing is it was a decision that was acted upon.

Pure Bliss

Certainly that led to pure bliss as I drove and drove across the country and back.

High Prices

On the other hand the current high price of fuel as me stopped down in the desert with a bunch of nomads in the same boat.

This too is a learning experience.

Finally where ever listeners and subscribers are..

No matter how hard it gets.

Choices and Decisions

We still have choices and we can still make decisions.

And take action.

In short every now and then I like to review and retell the story of how I got here.

In addition revisit what I consider success to be.

Nomad Definition of Wealth and Success

And what wealth looks like out here.

Sometimes that’s a hot shower and a good Internet connection.

And that’s OK.

Sponsored by Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul

Nomad-Decisions-Stories-Bob Davis Podcast 1046



Uncertainty-Principle-Bob Davis Podcast 1039

The Uncertainty Principle

Firstly the uncertainty principle is about uncertainty in our world these days. Nomads deal with uncertainty every day. For more information check out Uncertainty-Principle-Bob Davis Podcast 1039.

New Campsite

Secondly as if to pay off on the Uncertainty Principle I had to move to a new campsite this week.

Bureau Of Land Management Rule

Certainly the rule on Bureau of Land Management free campgrounds is 14 days and you move on.

Pushing The Rules

I pushed the rule a little spending nearly three months in one location. The good news? I can come back in two weeks!


On the other hand I learned a lot about the nomad community.

Life Long Friends

And made a lot of hopefully life long friends.

True Grit

Even more I personally witnessed resourcefulness and true grit among my full time nomad friends.

Happy To Move

Therefore I am not in the least upset that I had to move.

Passes Rule

Most importantly the ranger was great. We had a nice conversation about all the many sites one can access with a Long Term Visitor pass, which I possess.


Above all it made me think about the uncertainty we all feel about how things are going.

Bricks And Sticks

Most importantly back in the so called bricks and sticks world.

Back In The World

Or ‘back in the world’ as I like to say.

Caution No Certainty Ahead

Moreover I do not think any of us are going to wake up some sunny morning in the near future feeling certainty.

In fact I don’t think that’s going to happen for at least one generation.

Stable and Certain World Closed For One Generation

So if you’re an adult now perhaps you’ll be able to contribute to a more stable and certain world.

Living With Uncertainty

However for the time being we’re going to have to live with uncertainty. Learn more in Uncertainty-Principle-Bob Davis Podcast 1039.

Unpacking At The New Campsite

Finally join me in this podcast as I unpack and all the mats and boxes of firewood. The groceries. Chair. You know.

Don’t Be Fooled By Cheerful Nomads

And we’ll talk about how nomads deal with uncertainty in an almost cheerful manner.

We Attack Change

In the same vein I revisit the idea that to attack change we have to observe and orient ourselves to a new situation more often than back in the world.

Make Quick Decisions

In addition we then have to make quick decisions and act on them.

Have A Lot Of Grit

Aside from the fires and pot lucks there’s a lot of grit out here in the land of the nomad.

And Surprising Flexibility

In the same vein the flexibility and willingness to embrace change is often visible among people out here you’d never expect.

Life Turning Points

In short there are three turning points in everyone’s life that can lay us out.

Death, Divorce and losing a job.

Easier On The Road

To sum up I have to feel like it is easier out here to deal with that kind of trauma and learn to embrace the future as a result.

More Fun

In conclusion I certainly can’t predict the future. But for me living out here on the road is actually easier and more fun than back in the world.

Sponsored by Depot Star The Inventors Manufacturing Company

Uncertainty-Principle-Bob Davis Podcast 1039