Near Extinction Event-Adam-Eve-History-Bob Davis Podcast 781

A new study says all humans on earth today descended from a single couple. Moreover the ‘repopulation’ came after a near extinction event. We’ll talk about it in Near Extinction Event-Adam-Eve-History-Bob Davis Podcast 781.

Adam and Eve?

I will let the theologians and scientists argue whether the new study proves the story of Adam and Eve. What’s most noteworthy to me is how much has happened in a short period of time,

Recorded History Only Goes Back About 10,000 years

Especially relevant is the fact that recorded history only goes back roughly ten thousand years. Our knowledge of that time is limited to a single cuneiform tablet and archeological finds. You can watch an animated timeline of history by going here.

In Near Extinction Event-Adam-Eve-History-Bob Davis Podcast 781 I talk about how much has happened all over the earth in such a short period of time.

Go Back. Way Back.

Going back eight hundred years takes us to 1320, roughly. The time when Robert The Bruce of Scotland was battling England’s King Edward I. The Pilgrims landed only 400 years ago. The republic of The United States is still less than three hundred years old.

If you think about it the industrial revolution and technology growth has been most pronounced over the last one hundred years.

Our Struggles Seem Insignificant

In conclusion all the things we get worked up about these days seem insignificant even over the last one hundred years. Don’t even consider the last one thousand years!


It’s good to put things into perspective every now and then. If we could live for a thousand years we might actually have that perspective. How different things might be. Or not!

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Near Extinction Event-Adam-Eve-History-Bob Davis Podcast 781

Political Dealignment-Culture Shock-Bob-Davis-Podcast-750

I find it harder these days to make sense of politics. We’ll talk about it in Political Dealignment-Culture Shock-Bob-Davis-Podcast-750.

Role Of Podcasting

Moreover it’s time to talk about the unique role of podcasting in sorting out the noise. Especially since our day to day news coverage has become a reality TV drama. A minstrel through the lens of Cable TV News and Social Media.

News Is A Reality Show

What will it be this week? A reveal in court that has to be walked back? A trade deal touted as the greatest thing ever that closer examination turns out to be just ok? An economy that is the ‘best ever‘? Diplomacy and policy discussion conducted via twitter?

Sorting Out The Noise

Especially relevant to me is the role of podcasting in this political realignment. How do podcasters help listeners navigate these times? More opinion disguised as news? Or worse, opinion disguised as ‘truth‘.

Let Politicians Defend Themselves

Most noteworthy is the idea that the ‘little people‘ need media to defend and interpret everything politicians say and do, when those politicians should be able to defend themselves. Find out more in Political Dealignment-Culture Shock-Bob-Davis-Podcast-750.

Tuning Out

Finally I am beginning to get the impression people are turning away and tuning out the noise anyway. Should podcasters rush to cover stories in depth that will be forgotten in twenty four hours?

Mean Discourse

I spent a weekend delving into the last one hundred years of history for Podcast 749. Our country and the world has changed so much over the last century. We have exchanged the industrial revolution for a technical revolution. Technology has made our discourse meaner.

An Invisible America

There is an America where people share their passions and help each other out regardless of their political opinions. That America just isn’t always visible on social media and definitely not visible in news coverage of every breath taken in Washington DC.

Maybe that’s the problem.

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Political Dealignment-Culture Shock-Bob-Davis-Podcast-750