Podcast 161

Light Rail opens service between Minneapolis and Saint Paul, Iraq burns, and the controversy over Eric Cantor’s loss to Dave Brat in Virginia’s 7th Congressional District continues. The Bob Davis Podcasts gets you updated for the week ahead. Pew says America is so divided ‘Conservatives’ and ‘Liberals’ don’t even want to be neighbors. Do people understand the details of issues enough to actually understand the difference? Is there a difference? With Iraq unraveling what do you think the President should do? Air strikes? Is it really all Bush’s fault? Finally, Wall Street, K Street, the Crony Capitalists and those who do their bidding are shocked, and frightened at the implications of Eric Cantor’s loss in Virginia’s 7th Congressional District. Is this populism? Was the Tea Party really involved? Or have people just had it with business as usual in Washington? And, a bold new proposal for advertising from the Bob Davis Podcasts, at the end of this podcast. If you want more podcasts, use the donate button to sponsor one. Certain terms and restrictions apply. Listen to the podcast for more information. Sponsored by PlanVision

Podcast 152

What about ‘The City’? Central planners  use tax dollars to finance light rail, street cars, bike trails, stadiums, apartment buildings and hotels. The goal? A serendipitous experience. Is this a pipe dream? Do people really want to pay 1500 dollars a month for a condo in ‘the city’, so they can have coffee with hipsters? Or do they want a yard, good schools and lower taxes? You might be surprised what some new studies are showing. Things like bike trails, and light rail, paid for with transportation tax dollars move ahead, while repairing roads and bridges languish. What if robotics, driverless cars and delivery trucks, smart phones,  automated offices and other technology obviate the need to be in a big central city? Will all this ‘investment’ recreating the city of 1900 America have been worth it? Sponsored by X Government Cars

Podcast 138

Live from the deck, while a big storm rolls in, updating key stories for the weekend. What ARE the Russians up to with troop movements, fly by’s, and full on tests for massive nuclear retaliatory attacks. It may not be the Cold War, but maybe we should start paying attention to just what Putin and Russia’s overall plan is? Are are? The infamous Sequester – reported to be terrible for Americans – resulted in how many actual lay offs of personnel across 23 departments? How cold was last winter? If you live in the upper midwest? President Obama parties with the one percent of Hollywood, how is it covered? And, a tunnel digging machine gets ‘stuck’ underneath Seattle. Anyone wonder what happens if a tunnel digging machine gets trapped under the Minneapolis City Lakes, during the construction of the Southwest Light Rail? You don’t suppose it could drain the lakes? Sponsored by X Government Cars