Flight Line Uprising-Live at EAA AirVenture 2017-Podcast 649

Most of us experience Air Traffic Control sitting in an airline seat. We don’t think about the processes behind getting airplanes from point a to point b. President Trump and Congress are in the process of detaching Air Traffic Control from the FAA. We’ll talk about it in Flight Line Uprising-Live at EAA AirVenture 2017-Podcast 649.

General Aviation Is Big Business

Air shows like this one don’t just showcase war birds and experimental aircraft. Osh Kosh has become synonymous with the business of aviation. It all started with the innovation of home builders. Over the years smaller companies have come here to sell their services and products. These days hundreds of small companies and all the large corporations are here. OSH17 isn’t just an air show it is a convention of aviation enthusiasts and the business of aviation in all its forms. In Flight Line Uprising-Live at EAA AirVenture 2017-Podcast 649.

Not Taking The Easy Way Out

As a podcaster it would be easy for me to walk the flight line. Record the B-29 arrival. Get the thunder of the B-1B flyover. Of course we will get some of those things in podcasts from this show but on the first day, I decided to dig deeper. Forgo the flight line and spend some time at EAA Press Headquarters to cover the opening press conference for EAA President Jack Pelton. You’ll hear his press conference live in Flight Line Uprising-Live at EAA AirVenture 2017-Podcast 649.

Is This Really A Free Market Reform?

These days politics finds us even when we try to escape. In what some feel is a first attempt in a raft of similar ‘privatization’ efforts, President Trump is pushing congress to ‘reform’ the nation’s air traffic control system. Trump’s form of privatization isn’t something out of a free market text book though.

Remember The War Board?

Part of HR 2997, the 21st Century Aviation Innovation, Reform and Reauthorization (AIRR) Act is to appoint a board of members from industry, labor and government. The job of this board is to modernize the US ATC system. As the whipping goes on in Washington (or sausage making) congressmen may not be aware of the vehemence of opposition to this plan from General Aviation. Flight Line Uprising-Live at EAA AirVenture 2017-Podcast 649.

Pilots And Air Traffic Controllers

In Flight Line Uprising-Live at EAA AirVenture 2017-Podcast 649, EAA, Air Traffic Controllers and Pilots talk about the ATC. Is this the right formula for modernization of the US Air Traffic Control system? Is the US on the verge of losing its advantage in aviation? Will this new board take a dark view of General Aviation which has been a source of innovation and business development for decades?

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Flight Line Uprising-Live at EAA AirVenture 2017-Podcast 649

If You’re Looking For Truth You’re Getting Conned-Podcast 639

Coverage of former FBI director Comey testifying forces a political podcast. As a result, a velvet summer midnight in Western Virginia is the backdrop for  If You’re Looking For Truth You’re Getting Conned-Podcast 639.

People Actually Watch This Crap?

Out here the Internet is slow. With no movie packages we’re stuck with reality shows, local news and lots of commercials. I’ve seen a lot of drug commercials. I’m getting a lot of screen time on my ‘device’ because of the long commercial breaks. You know, the device get-off-my-lawn types complain about. Time to blow off some steam In If You’re Looking For Truth You’re Getting Conned-Podcast 639.

The Mighty Wurlitzer

Do I have to say it again? Everyone is selling a point of view. Like a thickener for soup. Depending on who owns or funds one of these partisan ‘news’ websites, it’s their point of view sold through shares on social media. And why not? If you agree with something, share it. Right? Truth is those shares aren’t aren’t news. Not ‘fake news’. Propaganda. In If You’re Looking For Truth You’re Getting Conned-Podcast 639.

Believe Whatever You Want But It’s Not The Truth

For example. the ‘biased mainstream media’ reported the FBI was investigating Trump, right? Are the Hillary Clinton emails and the Russia hack question one and the same? Does the now famous Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch conversation in the tarmac have anything to do with the Trump administration? Are you sure? How do you know?

Join Us As We Con America!

When you can’t tell the difference between the good stuff and formaldehyde and rubbing alcohol you take your life in your hands. Or so the story went in the 1920’s. As a result, we don’t know the difference between snake oil and snake oil.  Most of all, readers don’t fact check. We don’t know who funds these outlets. Eyeballs don’t google the author. Clicks. Shares. Numbers reached. Get your propaganda on twitter and Facebook. A majority of Americans get their news from social media. Especially relevant is the fact that Americans are being conned as never before. In If You’re Looking For Truth You’re Getting Conned-Podcast 639.

The End Of Politics In The United States?

Seems like we live on opposite shores of an ocean of opinion. Due to storms raging shore to shore, driven by outside forces seemingly beyond our control. As much as this may seem true the antidote is talking to each other. Especially relevant is the question, when was the last time you had coffee with someone to talk about solutions? Do we have discussions anymore about what actually works? Seems like our conversations are all about whether ‘we think’ this is or that is true. Furthermore, we live under brands and act as if our brand is the best. Are Republicans going make an already dangerous government less powerful. Moreover, who pays for minimum incomes and free health insurance, and free education Democrats promise? Meanwhile, a ‘conservative’ president pushes to borrow another trillion dollar stimulus for roads and bridges we don’t need.

Getting Nothing Done

Any analysis of the day’s news I might do inevitably leads to the conclusion very little coverage sheds much light on anything. On the contrary, it is designed to convince us to support a person or point of view. The bottom line is, while republicans have large majorities at most states and the federal level, they’re not getting much done while Democrats move further left every day.

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If You’re Looking For Truth You’re Getting Conned-Podcast 639

Ready For Another War in North Korea? Podcast 626

North Korea continues to test missiles and make threats. The United States sends ships and rattles the saber. Time to talk about North Korea and War on the Korean peninsula in Ready For Another War in North Korea? Podcast 626.

Korean History

Korea has a rich history. Japan ruled Korea from 1910 to the end of World War II. In 1945 Koreans hoped for self determination. Didn’t work out that way. Russia and China supported the North. The United States supported the South. The peninsula was divided at the 38th parallel.

Costs Of The Korean War

In June of 1950, supported by Soviet weapons, Kim Il Sung invaded South Korea. Three years of war cost the United States 33,000 military deaths. Estimates of civilian and military deaths in the North and South during the war, range between 1.2 million to 2.5 million.

North and South Are Still At War

July 1953. Panmunjom. A cease fire agreement ended the fighting but not the war. 25 million residents of Seoul, South Korea live today under the threat of mass artillery attack from the North.

The North Is A Nuclear Power

North Korea has had a nuclear research effort since 1956. Since the 1980’s efforts to prevent proliferation of nuclear weapons have included posturing, threats, aid, agreements, negotiation. All failed. North Korea today is a nuclear power. It is researching development of ballistic missiles. Currently they have only about a 1500 kilometer range.

Trump’s New Direction

President Trump has appears to have taken a more realist approach to foreign policy. What does this new direction mean for the US and the world? Will there be a positive effect to pushing the North Koreans beyond their resources? What are the scenarios for a potential regime change? Does the administration have a plan?

Americans In The Dark. Again

If the US becomes involved in a military conflict on the Korean peninsula what will the costs be? What happens if the current regime is removed? In the rush to report on ships and planes, military capabilities, and the latest back and forth, once again we’re not being given key information by the media. In Ready For Another War in North Korea? Podcast 626.

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Ready For Another War in North Korea? Podcast 626