Podcast 184

Ebola! Midweek updates! Ebola is sweeping Africa. With modern Air Travel could the disease ‘spread like a forest fire’ in the United States? What is a mosquito killer? Does it carry a virus? As the Israeli assault on Gaza continues, US Secretary of State John Kerry has caused an international incident with a poorly thought out cease fire proposal. Is this another Foreign Policy disaster? People have asked for comments on the banking system and Dodd Frank. According to Richard Rahn, the one to watch is the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. If they get their way all of your financial data may soon be shared with all nations of the world. Last week a major Coronal Mass Ejection nearly hit the earth. This week some analysts are warning the electro magnetic pulse from such an explosion on the sun, or a nuclear device detonated over the continental United States would do untold damage to the country’s electrical infrastructure. The feminists are after Comic-Con saying ogling of scantily clad women representing adventure and science fiction characters has to stop! And Michele Bachmann is in the headlines again, or not. Sponsored by Baklund R & D.

Podcast 181

Is Russia about to Invade Ukraine? Even though President Obama and all those writers made all those strong statements and wrote all those articles saying the loss of nearly 300 lives onboard MH-17 was Russia’s fault, and that it would hurt Russia? Is it possible empty words do not deter aggressors? As President Obama readies his executive orders for the border illegal immigration crisis, talk of impeachment continues to percolate. While impeachment may be the only legal remedy for an executive gone wild, would the nation support it? How would that work with a Senate controlled by democrat – and wait! Who would be Vice President? Joe Biden? Oops! Meanwhile cascading crises may solve the Obama problem long before the House gets around to impeachment. How many problems can the US handle? When will people stop watching baseball, and the Tour and start paying attention to world affairs? Sponsored by Baklund R & D.

Podcast 179

Updates on all the big stories. Thanks for all the emails and comments about Podcast 178, outlining the very latest facts on the MH-17 story. This is one of the things podcasting allows us to do very well. Updates for the week continue with the latest on the MH-17 story. Allegations about MH-17 swirl while the President eats hamburgers and hits the hustings to raise money. What do we know about this story and what is conjecture? What can the US do, and what IS the president doing? What about Europe? Meanwhile the crash site in the Ukraine is under the control of ‘Drunken Separatists’ (which sounds like a band name). Actor James Garner of ‘The Rockford Files’ fame is dead at 86. The upper midwest is under a heat advisory, which means heat and humidity and uncomfortable Minnesotans. Think there’s no inflation? Why are two pairs of jeans that used to be 40 dollars suddenly 130 dollars! Sponsored by X Government Cars!