Podcast 96

A snow and ice storm in Atlanta provides a great example of government incompetence juxtaposed against a stage-managed “State of The Union” address from a President struggling to prove competence. Sometimes truth is stranger than fiction. My final thoughts on the State of the Union and discussion of the disconnect between what people are experiencing in America, how they’re expressing it, versus the perfumed princes and princesses in Washington D.C. Sponsored by Tax Tiger and Incrediwear.

Podcast 94

Ready for your weekend, live from the Park Tavern Bowing Alley, in Saint Louis Park, Minnesota. Where do we go for shelter from the relentless Polar Vortex bearing down on the Upper Midwest? The Bowling Alley. My favorite stories from the week that was, with some ideas to think about this weekend, as you shovel, ice fish, scrape, and try to keep warm…that is unless you’re one of my listeners in California, Arizona, Texas, Florida or any other place in the world besides the frozen tundra of the Great Northwest! Sponsored by Baklund R and D.

Podcast 93

Greetings from the coldest city in North America! Minneapolis-Saint Paul. Podcast 93 is about the January doldrums. Greed on Wall Street, France’s Socialist President becomes a Supply Sider, Tall White Aliens control America, Europe dumps Carbon controls for Fracking as the US is putting their refineries out of business and more. Much more. A trip through Bob Davis’ weekend reading ‘grabs’ sets you up for the week. Sponsored by Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul.