Podcast 309

Vaccination Politics. As predicted by The Bob Davis Podcasts, whether to vaccinate or not has become a big political issue in the United States. Senator Rand Paul and potential candidate for the Republican nomination for President in 2016 got into a spat about whether people should be required to vaccinate their children against Measles and Rubella. New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, another potential candidate for the Republican nomination for President stepped on a political land mine when he suggested people ought to have a choice whether to vaccinate their children. Ben Carson, yet another presumptive presidential candidate split hairs in his ‘statement’, and you can be sure several others on all sides of the political spectrum will issue ‘statements’ in the next few days on the subject, as an outbreak of Measles in California captures the media’s attention. Berkeley, California wants a 21 day quarantine for all kids who’s parents refuse to vaccinate (the kids are ecstatic … no school for most of the month! Please don’t vaccinate me mom!) and nothing seems to horrify the left in this country more these days than a refusal to vaccinate. Is it possible people have about had it with government interventions? Federal and State Government intrusions into the personal lives of Americans is starting to become almost comic. They want to make you vaccinate your child so he or she can be healthy enough to what? Eat school lunches that wouldn’t have been fit for the Soviet Gulag? That’s healthy, huh! The perfumed princes and princesses walking through the marble hallways of our Federal Government cathedrals in Washington D.C. and the State Capitols might just be out of step with Americans who have a lot of questions about the long term effects of vaccines. You can call them stupid and try to bamboozle them into certain kinds of behavior, and you can even require certain kinds of behavior, but at some point they’re going to push back. One thing people seem to know, ‘Scientists’ are wrong a lot of the time. Doctors and hospitals will kill you if you’re not careful, and there’s nothing wrong with asking questions and taking control of your own health care, or the health care of your children. If the scolds would leave people alone once in a while, they might just make the right decision. What is it about liberty that so frightens the statist? Plus, stories about the General Manager of the Bob Davis Podcasts, getting the flu, Mexican Coke, Coffee (the cure for all that is wrong), and more in a longer podcast. (Editor’s Note: People keep saying things to me like, ‘My run on the treadmill in the morning takes exactly 45 minutes. I would like a 45 minute Podcast’. Ok. Here it is.). And an appearance from MPR Bob at the close. Sponsored by Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul and Depotstar

Podcast 295

Nighttime Winter Walk. Warm days in the upper midwest mean warm nights. A good night to get out for a walk and talk. As the week progresses, the news will get heavier as coverage of the State of The Union message gets rolling, along with Davos, and financial concerns starting to take center stage. So, this is a great opportunity to take a walk and talk about some of the less controversial stories. Did you know that January 19th is officially the saddest day of the year? Why? What does a person do to combat this oppressive depression? In the UK, a five year old child was not able to attend a friend’s birthday party. No, the parents did not RSVP but they were surprised to find a professional bill for ‘services rendered’, due to the fact that they did not RSVP and their child did not attend, when he was scheduled to. Now the parents are being sued. In Wisconsin, legislators are ready to reintroduce the 70 mph speed limit, which is a good thing because no one drives 65, anywhere in the state, and least of all in 94, or 90-94, or any of the state highways. What Wisconsin needs though, is a law that requires residents of the badger state to get the hell out of the left lane if they want to go slow. A friend’s dinner suggestion of a ‘satellite internet’ was greeted by The Bob Davis Podcasts with skepticism. Lo and Behold, Mr Elon Musk plans to introduce a ‘space internet’, and eventually carry the signal all the way to Mars. If it works better than the Podcast’s current ISP, and can feature better customer service, it’s a lock. The number one movie in the country right now is ‘American Sniper’, the story of the late Chris Kyle. Michael Moore called him a coward on twitter, and a firestorm has ensued. Research shows quite a lot of controversy about characterizations of snipers in general. Moore got hammered in social media, while Actress Jane Fonda was hammered in Frederick Maryland, by Vietnam Vets who will never forget the picture of Fonda posing for the cameras on a North Vietnamese Anti Aircraft gun, during her trip to the enemy’s country during the Vietnam War. Fonda now says the photo was a huge mistake she has had to live with her whole life, but she still says the trip to Communist North Vietnam was ‘incredible’. Finally, some words about a recent podcast about the Tea Party, and a heads up on some speaking engagements for Bob Davis in the near future. Sponsored by Mycompletebasement.com

Podcast 280

FaceBook Politics. Comments on Facebook provoke a podcast about rhetoric in place of political involvement and activism with people on the right side of the political spectrum. Social media, specifically Facebook but increasingly Twitter as well, has become a dumping ground of snark, rhetorical, even nonsensical comments that don’t advance issues, don’t persuade, don’t make arguments and in short spread despair and resignation. One of the chief problems with right wing politics is its inability to define itself, use terms that actually have meaning, make cogent arguments with supporting examples and evidence, or even to understand how the political process works. In this podcast you’ll hear a few of the comments on The Bob Davis Podcasts Facebook page. Taken out of the context of social media, you can see, or hear readily what’s wrong with so called Republicans, and others on the right in this country. Despite all the shouting, screaming, pounding, snark and complaints about ‘principle’, Republicans already appear poised to accept former Florida Jeb Bush as a presidential candidate. Why are so called ‘activists’ unable to take control of their party (at least in Minnesota)? Because there is no organization behind the rhetoric. Without involvement in politics, opinions are…well let’s put it this way; Everybody’s got one. Just opinions. Why get involved. How to get involved. What to do when you get involved. Why incessant whining about the two-party system is a waste of your time, and everyone else’s, and once involved, what the goal is…in Podcast 280. What can you learn from political involvement? Can involvement make you a better person? Why the typical excuse of, “some of us work”, or “I’m too old”, is total crap and why this particular ailment seems to be exclusively Republican these days. The party that used to call itself ‘The Party For People To Think’, is the party that can’t think. If you believe nothing can change … If you believe you have no voice; Listen to Podcast 280. Sponsored by Depotstar