Sunny Lohmann ANTIFA-Tipping-Fashion-Life-Podcast 678

What happens when two podcasters get together? We crosspost! Sunny Lohmann of The House of Sunny joins me to talk about ANTIFA, fashion, life and more in Sunny Lohmann ANTIFA-Tipping-Fashion-Life-Podcast 678. Part 1 and Part 2 of this marathon video podcast can be found here, and here.

You Tube

Sunny has been doing You Tube since 2010 and is now starting an audio podcast. You Tube and Podcasting have changed a lot since the early days. These days, You Tube and Podcasting has become more competitive, with better video, categories and better content. How does a You Tuber or a podcaster grow in this environment.

Winning With Content

Content is still king when it comes to getting viewers and listeners. Especially relevant is the question of what content works these days. Political content in general does not have the traction it used to have. We talk about why in Sunny Lohmann ANTIFA-Tipping-Fashion-Life-Podcast 678.

Media Bias

These days we hear a lot of complaints about broadcast TV shows like SNL about bias. Discussed on this podcast is the idea that these shows actually don’t have great ratings. To remain relevant, especially with younger viewers, broadcast TV shows are posting You Tube clips. Moreover huge percentages of people now say they get their news from social media.

Political Correctness Has Ruined Comedy?

In Sunny Lohmann ANTIFA-Tipping-Fashion-Life-Podcast 678 Sunny talks about political correctness in comedy. In her view, comedians cease being funny when they start worrying about whether what they say will be permissible. Artists lose their way trying to be relevant to an audience. Artists have to take risks, especially in comedy.

The Content Minefield

So many scolds are so quick to attack these days on both sides of the political spectrum. The result is a minefield any content creator will eventually wander into. We wonder whether the best thing is to go direct to the audience and consumer with your own channels and podcasts. How does a YouTuber or podcaster navigate around content control algorithms?


Finally we talk about how the former mainstream political content giants have ceased to be relevant, chiefly among them AM Talk Radio, which we both agree is unlistenable these days. A good lesson for the tech giants, which are more vulnerable to competition than many critics realize.

Sponsored by Reliafund and Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul

Sunny Lohmann ANTIFA-Tipping-Fashion-Life-Podcast 678










Misinformation Disinformation Red Alert-How To Cope-Podcast 669

Walk and Talk Podcast focusing on all the bad coverage of recent events. Late night. Moonlight. The smell of fall in the air. Perfect setting to try and sort all this out. In Misinformation Disinformation Red Alert-How To Cope-Podcast 669.

Lies and Fairy Tales

The theme of these podcasts has always been the fact that most of what passes as ‘news’ is opinion. These days though, the fairy tale nature of news coverage has reached a new level of mendacity. This time it’s digital media.

Digital Media Is A Sea Of Disinformation

That’s right. Anyone you talk to can give you a dissertation on the failure of the so called mainstream media to ‘do their job’. Almost no one talks about the failures of digital media. Especially You Tube ‘correspondents’. We’ll talk about it in Misinformation Disinformation Red Alert-How To Cope-Podcast 669.

New Sources Require New Diligence

I watch a lot of You Tube stuff these days. Apparently so do many Americans. You Tube is the source of a great deal of what the American Public thinks it ‘knows’. While entertaining, You Tubers pump out a steady stream of false flag attack stories, end of the world proofs, predictions about the future, and ‘inside’ stories that can never be fact checked.

Aliens and False Flags

We’re walking around with a lot of nonsense in our heads when any new thing happens. Las Vegas? North Korea? Some kind of legislative initiative? We think we live in a society with a free exchange of information, but what do we really know about these things? In Misinformation Disinformation Red Alert-How To Cope-Podcast 669.

It’s A Ken Burns World

The world does not sluice down into a documentary series with music and pictures. Historians spend years studying events. New information changes conclusions. Building a framework to understand it all requires reading real books about real history. A framework also comes with experience and life.

And every now and then, maybe a quiet walk on a tree lined, leaf covered path on a beautiful fall night.

Sponsored by Brush Studio in The West End Saint Louis Park

Misinformation Disinformation Red Alert-How To Cope-Podcast 669

Harvey Irma North Korea-DACA-Back In A News Rich Environment-Podcast 661

Back to the grindstone in Harvey Irma North Korea-DACA-Back In A News Rich Environment-Podcast 661. As Texas struggles with the aftermath of one major storm, another is on the way. North Korea’s Hydrogen Bomb and a full congressional schedule means we’re suddenly we’re back in a news rich environment.

President Trump Is Santa Claus

Especially relevant is the question of whether the US Federal Government is actually Santa Claus. Make your list, check it twice. While Republicans talk about individual responsibility when it comes to disaster, concerns about debt and overspending go out the window. Another hurricane, another opportunity for presidents to wear the jacket and the hat and show up to help. It’s all about public relations. We’ll talk about it in Harvey Irma North Korea-DACA-Back In A News Rich Environment-Podcast 661.

Hug Some Babies Phase Out DACA

President Trump made the obligatory trip to the hurricane zone over the weekend, then signed an order to phase out DACA at the beginning of the week. A campaign promise fulfilled, or kicking a problem to congress? Is it wrong to suggest a complete immigration reform package passed before phasing out the program with an executive order might be a better path?

It’s a Business, right?

We expect presidents to rule through fiat. “Run It Like A Business!” Problem is Santa Claus can’t do much with executive orders. Real reform requires congressional action. Getting that done requires real political acumen of the president. Businesses can’t print money to pay off their debt. In Harvey Irma North Korea-DACA-Back In A News Rich Environment-Podcast 661.

Tax Reform Means Raising Taxes

Tax Reform now looms as the next legislative failure for a GOP majority. ‘Cutting Taxes’ might mean raising taxes in places people who voted Republican might not expect. Requiring ‘revenue neutral‘ proposals means ‘tax cuts’ rather than spending cuts. With debt over 100 percent of the GDP maybe Santa Claus should stay home. Not a chance. Find out why I say this in Harvey Irma North Korea-DACA-Back In A News Rich Environment-Podcast 661.

Bombs Away

Then there’s North Korea. They’ve got a bomb and a missile. Trump has a saber to rattle. Maybe it will work. Then again maybe the Doom Merchants on You Tube are right about September 23rd, 2017.

Sponsored by Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul

Harvey Irma North Korea-DACA-Back In A News Rich Environment-Podcast 661